ArcObjects Library Reference (Server)  

IServerObjectExtensionType Interface

Provides access to properties, for administrators, of a server object extension type.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.


Read/write property CLSID The class ID of the extension type.
Read/write property Description The description of the extension type.
Read/write property Name The name of the extension type.

CoClasses that implement IServerObjectExtensionType

CoClasses and Classes Description
ServerObjectExtensionType The ServerObjectExtensionType object which provides information about server object extension types to users with administrative privileges to the ArcGIS server.


The IServerObjectExtensionType interface is a read/write interface on a server object type that allows administrators to configure new server object extension types to add to the server, update existing server object extension types, and to view the properties of a server object extension type.

Users and developers that are not part the the agsadmin group do not have access to this interface. An additional read only interface called IServerObjectExtensionTypeInfo is available to non-administrators which provides read only access to a subset of the server object type's properties.

The set of properties that can be accessed and modified by IServerObjectExtensionType are:

Name: the name of the server object extension

Description: a text description of the server object extension

CLSID: the CLSID of the server object extension

.NET Samples

Find near features REST SOE (Code Files: Program) | Server spatial query server object extension (Code Files: Program) | Simple REST SOE (Code Files: Program) | Simple SOAP SOE (Code Files: Program) | Simple SOE (Code Files: Program) |

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