ArcObjects Library Reference (NetworkAnalyst)  

INALocationRanges Interface

Provides access to properties of an NALocationRanges object.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server. Requires Network Analyst Extension.


Method AddEdgeRange Adds an edge EID, as well as the direction and the specified range of positions along that edge, to the NALocationRanges object.
Method AddJunction Adds a junction EID to the NALocationRanges object.
Read-only property EdgeRangeCount Returns the number of edge ranges currently stored in the NALocationRanges object.
Read-only property JunctionCount Returns the number of junction EIDs currently stored in the NALocationRanges object.
Method QueryEdgeRange Retrieves the edge EID, along with the direction and the range of positions along that edge, stored at the specified index in the NALocationRanges object.
Method QueryJunction Retrieves the junction EID stored at the specified index in the NALocationRanges object.
Method RemoveAll Removes all junction and edge information currently stored in the NALocationRanges object.

CoClasses that implement INALocationRanges

CoClasses and Classes Description
NALocationRanges Defines the set of element positions to be associated with an analysis object.


INALocationRanges is the main interface of the NALocationRanges object.  It provides properties to add and query for junctions and ranges along edges. 

.NET Samples

Network Analyst barrier location editor (Code Files: EditorForm) |