ArcObjects Library Reference (NetworkAnalyst)  

esriNAOutputPolygonType Constants

Options for service area polygon results.

Constant Value Description
esriNAOutputPolygonNone 0 No polygons are generated.
esriNAOutputPolygonSimplified 1 Simplified polygons are generated.
esriNAOutputPolygonDetailed 2 Detailed polygons are generated.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server. Requires Network Analyst Extension.


The esriNAOutputPolygonType specifies the type of polygon output generated by the INAServiceAreaSolver. The default is to generate simplified polygons as they can be generated quickly by looking at the ends of the traversal results. The detailed method takes longer and will look at the inside of the traversal results to find unreached areas and generate holes in the service area polygon as well as better define the boundary of the service area.

.NET Samples

Find near features SOAP SOE (Code Files: Reference) | Service area application using the NAServer extension in ArcGIS Server via a GIS server (Code Files: ServiceArea_GISServerAPIClass) | Service area solver (Code Files: frmServiceAreaSolver) |