ArcObjects Library Reference (GlobeCore)  

IGlobeViewer Interface

Provides access to members that manipulate the globe viewer. Note: the IGlobeViewer interface has been superseded byIGlobeViewer2. Please consider using the more recent version.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.


Method GetIsTargetAtCenter Finds if the target is at the center of a globe.
Read/write property GlobeDisplay The globe display.
Read/write property HUDEnabled Indicates if heads up display is enabled.
Read/write property NorthArrowEnabled Indicates if the north arrow is enabled.
Read/write property SpinSpeed The Speed for spinning.
Method StartSpinning Starts the globe spinning.
Method StopSpinning Stops the globe from further spinning.

.NET Samples

Navigating around the GlobeControl (Code Files: Navigation) |