ArcObjects Library Reference (GISClient)  

GISClient Library Contents

The GISClient library contains objects for working with remote GIS Services. These services can be provided by either ArcIMS or the ArcGIS Server.


Interface Description
IAGSEnumServerObjectName Provides access to members that hand out enumerated server object names and reset the enumeration.
IAGSServerConnection Provides access to members that have information about the GIS server connection..
IAGSServerConnection2 Provides access to members that create and open GIS server connections and supply server connection factory information.
IAGSServerConnection3 Provides access to members that have information about the GIS server connection..
IAGSServerConnectionAdmin Provides access to the server object manager, server object admin and server object configurations for the GIS server.
IAGSServerConnectionFactory Provides access to members that create and open GIS server connections and supply server connection factory information.
IAGSServerConnectionFactory2 Provides access to members that create and open GIS server connections and supply server connection factory information.
IAGSServerConnectionName Provides access to members that supply GIS server connection name information.
IAGSServerConnectionName2 Provides access to members that supply GIS server connection name information.
IAGSServerObject Provides access to properties of a map or geocode server object.
IAGSServerObject2 Provides access to properties of a server object.
IAGSServerObjectName Provides access to members that supply server object name information.
IAGSServerObjectName2 Provides access to members that supply server object name information.
IAGSServerObjectName3 Provides access to members that supply server object name information.
IIMSAxlRequest Provides access to members that control AXL requests to IMS server.
IIMSFeatureClass Provides access to members that control the ArcIMS Feature Class.
IIMSMetadataAxlRequest Provides access to members that control AXL requests to IMS metadata servers.
IIMSServiceDescription Provides access to members to get IMS connection properties and get the specified service child.
IIMSUserRole Provides access to members to get the IMS role of the currently logged in user.
IIMSWorkspace Provides access to members that provide information on the ArcIMS Workspace.
IIMSWorkspace2 Provides access to members that provide information on the ArcIMS Workspace.
IRemoteMetadataName Provides access to members to manipulate information specific to metadata stored in an ArcIMS Metadata Server.
IRemoteMetadataName2 Provides access to members to manipulate information specific to metadata stored in an ArcIMS Metadata Server.
IServerObjectDescription Provides access to methods describing the type and class id of the server object.
ISetDefaultAgsConnectionInfo Provides access to user entered information for an ArcGIS Server Connection.
IWCSBoundingBoxInfo Provides access to IWCSBoundingBoxInfo information.
IWCSClientEvents Provides access to events that occur when a URL request is made to the WCS server.
IWCSConnection Provides access to members that supply WCS connection information.
IWCSConnectionFactory Provides access to members give access to WCSFactory information.
IWCSConnectionName Provides access to members that supply WCS server connection name information.
IWCSCoverageDescription Provides access to members give access to WCSCoverageDescription information.
IWCSCoverageField Provides access to IWCSCoverageField information.
IWCSCoverageName Provides access to members that supply WCS coverage name information.
IWCSRange Provides access to IWCSRange information.
IWCSServiceDescription Provides access to members give access to WCSServiceDescription information.
IWCSServiceExceptionHandler Provides access to members that provide WCS error descriptions.
IWCSSpatialDomain Provides access to IWCSSpatialDomain information.
IWMSClientEvents Provides access to events that occur when a URL request is made to the WMS server.
IWMSConnection Provides access to members that supply WMS connection information.
IWMSConnectionFactory Provides access to members give access to WMSFactory information.
IWMSConnectionName Provides access to members that supply WMS server connection name information.
IWMSLayerDescription Provides access to members give access to WMSLayerDescription information.
IWMSLayerStyleDescription Provides access to members give access to WMSLayerStyleDescription information.
IWMSServiceDescription Provides access to members give access to WMSServiceDescription information.
IWMSServiceExceptionHandler Provides access to members that provide WMS error descriptions.

CoClasses and Classes

CoClass or Class Description
AGSServerConnection The AGSServerConnection object for connecting to the GIS server and getting the ServerObjectManager and ServerObjectAdmin.
AGSServerConnectionFactory A factory object for ArcGIS Server Connections.
AGSServerConnectionName A name object for ArcGIS Server Connections.
AGSServerObjectName A name object for ArcGIS Server Objects.
IMSCatalogPathParser IMSGIS Server Catalog Path Parser.
IMSMetadataServiceName ArIMS Metadata Service Name Object.
IMSServiceName The IMS Service Name.
IMSWorkspaceFactory The IMS Workspace Factory.
WCSConnection The Connection for WCS.
WCSConnectionFactory A factory object for WCS Connections.
WCSConnectionName The WCS Connection name.
WCSServiceExceptionHandler WCS Service Exception Handler.
WMSConnection The Connection for WMS.
WMSConnectionFactory A factory object for WMS Connections.
WMSConnectionName The WMS Connection name.
WMSServiceExceptionHandler WMS Service Exception Handler.


Enumeration Description
acIndexStatus ArcIMS Metadata Document Index Status.
acMapUnits ArcIMS map units.
acSecurityType ArcIMS Security Service Type. Use a combination to describe the security of a service.
acServiceType ArcIMS Map Service Type.
acUserRole ArcIMS User Role.
agsClientError AGS Client Error Codes.
esriAGSConnectionMode The level of access the connection has to the GIS Server.
esriAGSConnectionType The GIS server connection type.
imsErrors IMS Error Codes.
wcsErrors WCS Error Codes.
wmsErrors WMS Error Codes.