The maximum distance between a line connecting two buffer curve points and the true curve (defaults to -1, indicating 1000 * xy tolerance of spatial reference of input geometries ).
[Visual Basic .NET] Public Property DensifyDeviation As Double
[C#] public double DensifyDeviation {get; set;}
HRESULT get_DensifyDeviation(
double* pDeviation
HRESULT put_DensifyDeviation(
double pDeviation
pDeviation [out, retval] pDeviation is a parameter of type double pDeviation pDeviation is a parameter of type double
Product Availability
Buffer construction uses sets of line segments to approximate curved parts of the buffer. You use the DensifyDeviation property to control how good this approximation is. It is the maximum distance, specified in the buffer distance units, between the approximating segment and the true curve.The smaller its value, the more segments will be required to approximate the curve. This will produce a more accurate buffer (particularly when unioning overlaps between buffers) but will take longer.
The first graphic shows a 1000 meter buffer created using a densify deviation of 1 meter.
The second graphic shows the same 1000 meter buffer created using a densify deviation of 0.1 meters.
When you wish to replace sets of buffer line segments with true curves (the GenerateCurves) property, you should use the smallest densify deviation that still produces acceptable performance, particularly in the case where you are unioning overlapping buffers together.