ArcObjects Library Reference (GeoDatabaseDistributed)  

IExportSchema Interface

Provides access to members that export schema from a replica.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.


Method ExportSchema Export schema info.
Method ExportSchemaDifferences Export schema differences between replica pair.

CoClasses that implement IExportSchema

CoClasses and Classes Description
ReplicaSchemaExporter ESRI Replica Schema Exporter object.


The IExportdataSchema interface provides methods to export schema and schema differences from replicas. 

Rule: If a replica can receive data changes, then it can also apply schema changes. Replica schema can only be exported from a replica that can synchronize it's changes with it's relative replica.

Consider the statements above when reviewing the following:

Check-out Replicas: A check-out child replica can export replica schema but cannot apply schema changes.  A check-out parent replica can apply schema changes but cannot export replica schema.

One way Replicas: A one way replica child cannot export replica schema but can apply schema changes.  A one way replica parent can export replica schema but cannot apply schema changes

Two way Replicas: Both parent and child replicas can export replica schema and apply schema changes.

See the ReplicaSchemaImporter for information on applying schema changes.