The elevation interpolation method for rasterization.
[Visual Basic .NET] Public Property RasterInterpolationMethod As esriSurfaceInterpolationType
[C#] public esriSurfaceInterpolationType RasterInterpolationMethod {get; set;}
HRESULT get_RasterInterpolationMethod(
esriSurfaceInterpolationType* pType
HRESULT put_RasterInterpolationMethod(
esriSurfaceInterpolationType pType
pType [out, retval]pType is a parameter of type esriSurfaceInterpolationType
pType [in]pType is a parameter of type esriSurfaceInterpolationType
Product Availability
The interpolation method used when converting a TIN to a raster using ITinSurface.QueryPixelBlock.
esriSurfaceInterpolationType can be set to either esriLinearInterpolation or esriNaturalNeighborInterpolation.
Linear interpolation considers each triangle as a flat plane. For each cell center in the output raster the encompassing triangle is found and the height for the location on the plane is determined.
Natural neighbor interpolation uses an area based weighting scheme to calculate height for output raster cell centers and produces smoother results than linear interpolation. The closest TIN nodes in all directions found for each raster cell center are used in the calculation. Hard breaklines present in the TIN will influence results as the surface definition is not continuously smooth across them with this interpolator.