ArcObjects Library Reference (GeoDatabase)  

esriDataExtractionType Constants

Indicates the type of process for which an data is extracted.

Constant Value Description
esriDataExtraction 1 Extract data for an extract.
esriDataCheckOut 2 Extract data for a check-out replica.
esriDataReplication 3 Extract data for 2 way and 1 way replication.
esriDataXMLExport 4 Export data to an XML workspace document.
esriDataXMLCheckOut 5 Check-out data to an XML workspace document.
esriDataXMLExtraction 6 Extract data to an XML workspace document.
esriDataXMLReplication 7 Extract data for 2 way and 1 way replication to an XML workspace document.
esriRegisterXMLCheckOut 8 Create a check-out replica to an XML workspace document with the register only option.
esriRegisterCheckOut 9 Create a check-out replica with the register only option.
esriRegisterXMLReplica 10 Create a 2 way or 1 way replica to an XML workspace document with the register only option.
esriRegisterReplica 11 Create a 2 way or 1 way replica with the register only option.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.

.NET Related Topics

Using replica creation events to extend the replica creation process |