ArcObjects Library Reference (Framework)  

esriCustomizationEvent Constants

Customization event types.

Constant Value Description
esriCEAddCategory 0 Occurs when the Categories list on the Customize dialog is populated.
esriCEAddCommand 1 Occurs when the Commands list on the Customize dialog is populated.
esriCEShowCustDlg 2 Occurs when the Customize dialog is requested to be opened.
esriCEShowVBAIDE 3 Occurs when the Visual Basic Editor is requested to be opened.
esriCEInvokeCommand 4 Occurs when a command on a commandbar is about to be executed.
esriCEShowCustCtxMenu 5 Occurs when the Customize context menu is popped up for a command item.
esriCERunVBACode 6 Occurs before VBA code is run programmatically.
esriCEEditVBACode 7 Occurs before VBA code is programmatically edited.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Desktop.


Use the esriCustomizationEvent enumeration with the ICustomizationFilter::OnCustomizationEvent method.

esriCEAddCategory - Occurs when the Categories list on the Customize dialog is populated. This can be used to remove categories from the Categories list in the Customize dialog.

esriCEAddCommand - Occurs when the Commands list on the Customize dialog is populated. This can be used to remove commands from the Commands list in the Customize dialog.

esriCEShowCustDlg - Occurs when the Customize dialog is requested to be opened. This can be used to prevent the Customize dialog from being opened.

esriCEShowVBAIDE - Occurs when the Visual Basic Editor is requested to be opened. This can be used to prevent the Visual Basic Editor from being opened.

esriCEInvokeCommand - Occurs when a command on a commandbar is about to be executed. This can be used to prevent a particular command from being executed.

esriCEShowCustCtxMenu - Occurs when the Customize context menu is popped up for a command item. This can be used to prevent the Customize context menu from being displayed when a you right-click on a command item when the Customize dialog is open.

esriCERunVBACode - Occurs after the IVbaApplication::RunVBAMacro method is executed.

esriCEEditVBACode - Occurs after calls to IVbaApplication::CreateCodeModule, IVbaApplication::InsertCode, and IVbaApplication::RemoveCodeModule .

See Also

ICustomizationFilter.OnCustomizationEvent Method