ArcObjects Library Reference (Display)  

esriSimpleLineStyle Constants

Simple line symbol styles.

Constant Value Description
esriSLSSolid 0 The line is solid.
esriSLSDash 1 The line is dashed -------.
esriSLSDot 2 The line is dotted .......
esriSLSDashDot 3 The line has alternating dashes and dots _._._._.
esriSLSDashDotDot 4 The line has alternating dashes and double dots _.._.._.
esriSLSNull 5 The line is invisible.
esriSLSInsideFrame 6 The line will fit into it's bounding rectangle, if any.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.

.NET Snippets

Create Simple Line Symbol | Create Simple Fill Symbol |

.NET Samples

Create a custom tool (Code Files: DrawGraphicLine) | Creating a toolbar of globe tools (Code Files: PolylineElement) | Dynamic biking (Code Files: DynamicBikingCmd) | Executing geoprocessing tools in the background (Code Files: RunGPForm) | Find near features SOAP SOE (Code Files: Reference) | Server spatial query COM utility (Code Files: VegUtils_VBNet) | StreetMap routing (Code Files: RoutingForm) | Triangle graphic element (Code Files: TriangleElementClass) |

.NET Related Topics

Create a custom tool | How to create map grids | How to work with IEllipticArc properties |