A menu is a list of buttons, sub-menus and multi-items. Menus can appear on toolbars or on other menus as sub-menus. Root menus are a special type of menu appearing on the main menu bar.

Namespace: http://schemas.esri.com/Desktop/AddInsSchema: DesktopAddIns_ElementOnly.xsd




Name Occurrences Description

The collection of buttons, sub-menus and multi-items.


Name Type Required Description
 caption  string Yes

The caption for the type.

 id  ID Yes

The ID for this custom type. IDs must be unique across all customizations.

 isRootMenu  boolean

Specifies whether or not this menu is a root menu. Root menus appear on the main menu bar. The File and Edit menus are examples of root menus.

 isShortcutMenu  boolean

Specifies whether or not this menu is a context menu. Context menu are customizable by end users in the Customize dialog.


<xs:element name="Menu" xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
      <xs:element name="Items" />
    <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID" use="required" />
    <xs:attribute name="caption" type="xs:string" use="required" />
    <xs:attribute name="isRootMenu" type="xs:boolean" use="optional" />
    <xs:attribute name="isShortcutMenu" type="xs:boolean" use="optional" />

See Also