ArcObjects Library Reference (DataSourcesRaster)  

IRasterGeometryProc.ProjectFast Method

Projects the input raster using a single polynomial fit to compute the adjustment between coordinate systems.

[Visual Basic .NET]
Public Sub ProjectFast ( _
    ByVal pNewSR As ISpatialReference, _
    ByVal resampleType As rstResamplingTypes, _
    [ByRef pCellsize As Object], _
    [ByVal pRaster As IRaster] _
public void ProjectFast (
    ISpatialReference pNewSR,
    rstResamplingTypes resampleType,
    ref object pCellsize,
    ref IRaster pRaster

Optional Values

pCellsize   To indicate that this parameter is undefined, first define a variable object Missing = Type.Missing; then pass this in as ref Missing.
pRaster   Optional, default value of .
HRESULT ProjectFast(
  ISpatialReference* pNewSR,
  rstResamplingTypes resampleType,
  VARIANT* pCellsize,
  IRaster* pRaster


pNewSR [in]

  pNewSR is a parameter of type ISpatialReference

resampleType [in]

  resampleType is a parameter of type rstResamplingTypes

pCellsize [optional]   pCellsize is a parameter of type VARIANT

  To indicate this parameter is undefined pass a reference to a VARIANT with type VT_ERROR and scode value of DISP_E_PARAMNOTFOUND.

pRaster [optional]

  pRaster is a parameter of type IRaster

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.


The ProjectFast method projects a raster to a new spatial reference with a specified cell size. ProjectFast method does not project a raster cell by cell, instead, this method divides the whole raster into 64 x 64 pixel blocks and projects a raster based on a piecewise polynomial transformation algorithm, whereby each block is transformed using a polynomial warp. Altough this method is not as accurate as the cell by cell projection (PROJECT command in ArcGrid), it is faster and accurate enough for most application and analysis.

See Also

IRasterGeometryProc Interface