ArcObjects Library Reference (DataSourcesRaster)  

esriRasterError Constants

The raster related error codes.

Constant Value Description
E_RASTER_FILE_NOT_FOUND -2147217407 Raster file cannot be found.
E_RASTER_FILE_INVALID_EXTENSION -2147217406 Raster file extension is invalid.
E_RASTER_RENDERER_INVALID_BAND_INDEX -2147217405 Specified band index is invalid.
E_RASTER_FILE_FAILED_TO_RENAME -2147217404 Failed to rename the specified file.
E_RASTER_FILE_FAILED_TO_COPY -2147217403 Failed to copy the specified file.
E_RASTER_FILE_LZW_FAILED -2147217402 Raster file with LZW compression failed to open.
E_RASTER_ACCESS_IS_DENIED -2147217401 The user does not have permission to execute the operation.
E_RASTER_DATASET_EXIST -2147217400 Raster file(table for SDE) already exist.
E_RASTER_FAILED_TO_OPEN_CONNECTION -2147217398 Failed to open a GeoDatabase connection.
E_RASTER_FAILED_TO_OPEN_WORKSPACE -2147217397 Failed to open a raster workspace.
E_RASTER_EMPTY_WORKSPACE -2147217396 No raster datasets in the workspace.
E_RASTER_FAILED_TO_CREATE_CATALOG_ITEM -2147217395 Failed to create a new raster catalog item.
E_RASTER_INVALID_RASTER_VALUE -2147217394 Invalid raster value.
E_RASTER_FAILED_TO_OPEN_CATALOG -2147217393 Failed to open a raster catalog.
E_RASTER_UNSUPPORTED_PCS -2147217392 Unsupported projected coordinate system (PCS).
E_RASTER_CANNT_BUILD_VAT -2147217391 Can't build raster attribute table for multiband raster dataset.
E_RASTER_CANNT_ALTER_VAT -2147217390 Can't alter raster attribute table for multiband raster dataset.
E_RASTER_FAILED_TO_CALC_STATS -2147217389 Failed to compute statistics.
E_RASTER_FAILED_TO_CALC_HISTOGRAM -2147217388 Failed to compute histogram.
E_RASTER_FAILED_TO_ALTER_STATS -2147217387 Failed to alter statistics.
E_RASTER_FAILED_TO_ALTER_HISTOGRAM -2147217386 Failed to alter histogram.
E_RASTER_FAILED_TO_CREATE_DATASET -2147217385 Failed to create raster dataset.
E_RASTER_FAILED_TO_OPEN_DATASET -2147217384 Failed to open raster dataset.
E_RASTER_FAILED_TO_COPY_DATASET -2147217383 Failed to copy raster dataset.
E_RASTER_FAILED_TO_RENAME_DATASET -2147217382 Failed to rename raster dataset.
E_RASTER_FAILED_TO_DELETE_DATASET -2147217381 Failed to delete raster dataset.
E_RASTER_FAILED_TO_ALTER_GEODATAXFORM -2147217380 Failed to delete raster dataset.
E_RASTER_FAILED_TO_BUILD_PYRAMID -2147217379 Failed to build pyramid.
E_RASTER_UNSUPPORTED_FORMAT -2147217378 Unsupported raster format in Raster Core.
E_RASTER_TOO_MANY_UNIQUE_VALUES -2147217377 Too many unique values.
E_RASTER_UNSUPPORTED_PIXEL_TYPE -2147217376 Unsupported Pixel Type.
E_RASTER_CANT_MOSAIC_COLORMAPED -2147217375 Can't mosaic a dataset with a colormap.
E_RASTER_CANT_LOAD_FORMAT_DLL -2147217374 Can't load a format DLL.
E_RASTER_CANT_FIND_FORMAT_FUNCTION -2147217373 Can't find the format registration function.
E_RASTER_FAILED_TO_REGISTER_FORMAT -2147217372 Failed to register a new raster format.
E_RASTER_INVALID_CELLSIZE -2147217371 Invalid cell size.
E_RASTER_OPERATION_CANCELED -2147217370 Operation canceled.
E_RASTER_FAILED_TO_WRITE_AUX -2147217369 Failed to write binary AUX file.
E_RASTER_UNKNOWN_PIXELTYPE -2147217368 Unknown pixel type.
E_RASTER_NO_WRITE_PERMISSION -2147217367 No write permission.
E_RASTER_VAT_COUNT_TOO_LARGE -2147217366 The VAT count value exceeds 2 Billion.
E_RASTER_BLOCKSIZE_TOO_LARGE -2147217365 The requested pixel block size is too large.
E_RASTER_TOO_MANY_DIRECTORIES -2147217364 Too many unique directories to list.
E_RASTER_COLORCORRECTION_NOT_LICENSED -2147217363 Color correction is not supported with the current license.
E_RASTER_MOSAIC_NOT_LICENSED -2147217362 Mosaic dataset is not supported with the current license.
E_RASTER_IN_LOAD_ONLY -2147217361 Catalog geometry column is already in Load Only IO mode.
E_RASTER_UNKNOWN_ERROR -2147217408 Unknown error.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.