ArcObjects Library Reference (DataSourcesFile)  

ISMRouter Interface

Provides access to the main functionality for route finding.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.


Provides main functionality for finding routes. Contains a number of properties that allow to query and change different settings of the route solver.


Read-only property Barriers The network barriers collection of the router object.
Read-only property FlagCreator The flag creator used by the router object.
Read/write property NetAttributeName The network attribute that the router object currently uses.
Read-only property NetAttributes The network attributes collection of the router object.
Read-only property NetAttributesAccess The network attributes access of the router object.
Read-only property Preferences The road preferences used by the router object.
Read-only property ProjectionString The spatial reference of the source data used by the router object.
Method ReorderStops Reorders the stops collection to minimize total driving time or distance.
Method Solve Calculates the route using the current settings of the router object.
Read-only property SpeedGroups The speed groups used by the router object.
Read-only property TripPlanSettings The trip planning settings used by the router object.

CoClasses that implement ISMRouter

CoClasses and Classes Description
SMRouter The object for calculating routes and defining route settings.

.NET Samples

StreetMap routing (Code Files: RestrictionsForm) |