ArcObjects Library Reference (Controls)  

IEngineNAWindow.AbortOperation Method

Cancels the operation in progress.

[Visual Basic .NET]
Public Sub AbortOperation ( _
    ByVal pNAContext As INAContext _
public void AbortOperation (
    INAContext pNAContext
HRESULT AbortOperation(
  INAContext* pNAContext


pNAContext [in]

  pNAContext is a parameter of type INAContext

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine.


AbortOperation is used to stop and undo an edit operation already in progress without creating an operation on the stack.

You must call this after a call to StartOperation. You should not call StopOperation after a call to AbortOperation.

See Also

IEngineNAWindow Interface

.NET Related Topics

How to set up a Network Analyst solve to work with the undo/redo stack |