ArcObjects Library Reference (Controls)  

ICustomizeDialog Interface

Provides access to members that control the customize dialog. Note: the ICustomizeDialog interface has been superseded byICustomizeDialog2. Please consider using the more recent version.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine.


Method CloseDialog Closes the customize dialog.
Read/write property CommandsCategory The GUID of the component category used for commands.
Read/write property DialogTitle The title of the customize dialog.
Read-only property DoubleClickDestination The ToolbarControl commands are added to when double clicked.
Read-only property IsDialogActive Indicates if the customize dialog is active on the screen.
Read/write property MenusCategory The GUID of the component category used for menu definitions.
Method SetDoubleClickDestination Sets the ToolbarControl commands are added to when double clicked.
Read/write property ShowAddFromFile Indicates if the 'Add From File' button is available on the customize dialog.
Method StartDialog Starts the modeless customize dialog.
Read/write property ToolbarsCategory The GUID of the component category used for toolbar definitions.

CoClasses that implement ICustomizeDialog

CoClasses and Classes Description
CustomizeDialog CustomizeDialog is a modeless dialog that allows customization of one or more ToolbarControls.

.NET Snippets

Customize ToolbarControl |

.NET Samples

Allow run time customization of the ToolbarControl (Code Files: Customization) | Building a MapViewer application using the ArcGIS Engine controls (Code Files: MapViewer) |

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Building a map viewing application using the ArcGIS Engine controls |