The CatalogUI library provides user interfaces including property pages to support objects contained in the Catalog library.
Interface | Description |
IAGSConnectionAdminDialog | Provides access to members that control the Connection Admin Dialog. |
IAGSObjectAdminDialog | Provides access to members that control the Server Object Admin Dialog. |
IAGSObjectAdminDialog2 | Provides access to members that control the Server Object Admin Dialog. |
IAGSParameterPage | Provides access to members that control ArcGIS server parameter pages. |
IAGSPublishToolboxAdminDialog | Provides access to members that control the Publisher Admin Dialog. |
IAGSSOEParameterPage | Provides access to members that control ArcGIS server object extension parameter pages. |
IAGSSOEParameterPage2 | Provides access to members that control ArcGIS server object extension parameter pages. |
IAGSSOEParameterPage3 | Provides access to members that control ArcGIS server object extension parameter pages. |
IArcIMSQuery | Provides access to members that let you modify a query. |
IAttributesEditContext | Provides access to attributes edit context. |
ICoordSysDetailsPage | Provides access to members that control the Coordinate System Details Page. |
ICreateRasterCatalogWizard | Provides access to methods that control the raster catalog creation wizard. |
ICreateRasterDatasetDlg | Provides access to methods that control the dialog for creating a Raster dataset. |
IDataAdder | Provides access to members that control the data adder. |
IDescriptionWindow | Provides access to members of Item Descrition Window. |
IDocumentDatasets | Provides access to members that control the document datasets. |
IEditEvaluatorContext | Provides access to the edit evaluator context. |
IEditEvaluators | Provides access to the edit evaluators. |
IEnumGxView | Provides access to members that control the EnumGxView. |
IEvaluatorEditor | Provides access to an evaluator editor. |
IFeatureDatasetDialog | Provides access to members that control the dialog that creates a new feature dataset. |
IFileSystemQuery | Provides access to members that manage the file system XML search engine's properties. |
IFindDialog | Provides access to members that control the operation of the Search dialog box. |
IFindDialogSettings | Provides access to members that control how the query appears in the Search dialog box. |
IGeographicCoordinateSystemDialog | Provides access to members that control the Geographic Coordinate System Dialog. |
IGxAddOGCConnectionDialog | Provides access to members that control the Add OGC Connection Dialog. |
IGxApplication | Provides access to members that control the Gx Application object. |
IGxApplicationEvents | Provides access to events fired by the ArcCatalog application. |
IGxBrowser | Provides access to members that control the GxBrowser. |
IGxContentsView | Provides access to members that control the GxContentsView. |
IGxContentsViewColumn | Provides access to members that control the GxContentsViewColumn. |
IGxContentsViewColumns | Provides access to members that control the columns of GxContentsView. |
IGxDialog | Provides access to members that control the GxDialog. |
IGxDocumentationView | Provides access to members that edit metadata. |
IGxDocumentationViewWindow | Provides access to members of IGxDocumentationViewWindow interface. |
IGxGeographicView | Provides access to members that control the GxGeographicView. |
IGxGeographicView2 | Provides access to more members that control the GxGeographicView. |
IGxItemIndexer | Provides access to functions of GxIndexer coclass.(See GPItemIndexer.) |
IGxItemInfoHelper | Provides access to helper functions for item info. |
IGxMSDFile | Indicator interface that identifies a GxObject that corresponds to an MSDFile document. |
IGxMSDFileView | Provides access to more members that control the GxMSDFileView. |
IGxObjectEnumerator | Provides access to methods that control the object enumerator. |
IGxPreview | Provides access to members that control the GxPreview. |
IGxRasterCatalogSubView | Provides access to methods that control RasterCatalog sub view. |
IGxTableView | Indicator interface that identifies the GX Table preview. |
IGxTableView2 | Provides access to members that control the IGxTableView. |
IGxTreeView | Provides access to members that control the GxTreeView. |
IGxView | Provides access to members that control the GxView. |
IGxViewContainer | Provides access to members that control the GxViewContainer. |
IGxViewPrint | Provides access to members that control the printing of a GxView object. |
IMetadataEditor | Provides access to members that define a metadata editor. |
IMetadataEvents | Provides access to events that occur when the state of the Documentation View changes. |
IMetadataHelper | Provides access to members that change the Catalog's metadata settings. |
INetworkAttributeConfiguration | Provides access to the network attribute configuration. |
INetworkAttributeConfiguration2 | Provides access to the network attribute configuration. |
INetworkConfiguration | Provides access to the network configuration. |
INetworkDatasetDialog | Provides access to members that show dialogs for creating and editing network datasets. |
INetworkDirectionConfiguration | Provides access to the network direction configuration. |
INetworkDirectionConfiguration2 | Provides access to the network direction configuration. |
INetworkElevationConfiguration | Provides access to the network elevation configuration. |
INetworkElevationConfiguration2 | Provides access to the network elevation configuration. |
INetworkTrafficConfiguration | Provides access to the network traffic configuration. |
IProjectedCoordinateSystemDialog | Provides access to members that control the Projected Coordinate System Dialog. |
IQueryTableDialog | Provides access to member that display Query Table dialog. |
IRelationshipClassDialog | Provides access to members that control the Relationship Class Dialog. |
IRepairMosaicDatasetDialog | Provides access to methods that control the dialog for repairing a mosaic dataset. |
ISearchEngine | Provides access to members that control the operation of the search engine. |
ISearchEngineEvents | Provides access to events that are fired by an ongoing search. |
ISearchEngineProperties | Provides access to members that modify the search engine's property set. |
ISpatialReferenceDialog | Provides access to members that control the Spatial Reference Dialog. |
ISpatialReferenceDialog2 | Provides access to members that control the Spatial Reference Dialog. |
ISpatialReferenceDialog3 | Provides access to members that control the Spatial Reference Dialog 3. |
ITableDefFieldsPage | Provides access to members that control the Table Definition Fields Page. |
ITableDefinitionDialog | Provides access to members that control the Table Definition Dialog. |
IVerticalCoordinateSystemDialog | Provides access to members that control the Vertical Coordinate System Dialog. |
IXmlQuery | Provides access to members that generate XSL Pattern expressions from a query. |
CoClasses and Classes
CoClass or Class | Description |
AddAGSConnectionPage | ESRI AGS Server user connection general property page. |
AddAGSDialog | Add ArcGIS Server Dialog. |
AddAGSFolderPage | ESRI AGS Server user connection folders property page. |
AddAGSServerPage | ESRI AGS Server admin connection general property page. |
AGSCachingPage | ESRI AGS Caching property page. |
AGSCapabilityPage | ESRI AGS Service Capability property page. |
AGSConnectionAdminDialog | ArcGIS Server Connection Admin tools. |
AGSGeneralPage | ESRI AGS Object Configuration general property page. |
AGSGeocodeParameterPage | ESRI AGS Geocode Parameter property page. |
AGSGeoDataServerParameterPage | ESRI AGS GeoDataServer Parameter property page. |
AGSGeometryParameterPage | ESRI AGS Geometry Parameter property page. |
AGSGeoprocessingParameterPage | ESRI AGS Geoprocessing Parameter property page. |
AGSGlobeParameterPage | ESRI AGS Globe Parameters property page. |
AGSImageParameterPage | ESRI AGS Image Service Parameter property page. |
AGSMapParameterPage | ESRI AGS Map Parameters property page. |
AGSNewCachingPage | ESRI AGS Caching property page. |
AGSObjectAdminDialog | Server Object Admin Dialog. |
AGSParameterPagesContainer | ESRI AGS Server Parameter Pages Container. |
AGSPoolingPage | ESRI AGS Pooling property page. |
AGSProcessPage | ESRI AGS Process property page. |
AGSPublishToolboxDialog | ArcGIS Server Toolbox Publish Dialog. |
AGSServerDirsPage | ESRI AGS Server Directories property page. |
AGSServerGeneralPage | ESRI AGS Server General property page. |
AGSServerHostsPage | ESRI AGS Server Hosts property page. |
AGSServerStatisticsPage | ESRI AGS Server Statistics property page. |
AGSServerTypesPage | ESRI AGS Server Types property page. |
AGSSOEPage | ESRI AGS Server Object Extensions property page. |
AttributesEditContext | Provides Attributes Editing Contextual Information. |
CatalogSearchEngine | A search engine that looks in the Catalog for objects that match the search criteria. |
CoordSysDetailsPage | ESRI Coordinate System Details Page. |
CovFCGeneralPage | Coverage Featureclass General Property Page. |
CovGeneralPage | Coverage General Property Page. |
CovProjectPage | Coverage Projection and Extent Property Page. |
CreateRasterCatalogWizard | A Dialog Wizard to help creating a raster catalog. |
DataAdder | Provides access to the data adder utility class. |
DescriptionWindow | Provides access to memebers of DescriptionWindow. |
DomainsPropertyPage | ESRI workspace domains property page. |
EditEvaluatorContext | The edit evaluator context. |
EditEvaluators | Helper for editing evaluated attributes. |
EnumGxView | Provides access to a set of GxView object. |
FeatDSNamePage | ESRI Feature Dataset Name Page. |
FeatDSSpaRefPage | Feature Dataset Spatial Reference Property Page. |
FeatureClassRepresentationsPage | ESRI feature class representations page. |
FeatureDatasetDefDialog | Dialog to create a new Feature Dataset. |
FeatureDatasetDialog | Dialog to create a new Feature Dataset. |
FileSystemQuery | A query that can be used to search XML documents. |
FileSystemXmlSearchEngine | A search engine that looks on the file system for XML files that match the search criteria. |
FindDialog | The Search dialog box. |
GeneralDatabaseServerPropertyPage | The general geodatabase property page. |
GeneralRelationshipClassPropertyPage | General Relationship Class Property Page. |
GeoDataServerObjectPropPage | ESRI ArcGIS Server GeoData Server Object property page. |
GeoDBAdminPropertyPage | The Geodatabase Administration property page. |
GeographicCoordinateSystemDialog | Geographic Coordinate System Dialog. |
GeographicCoordSysPropPage | Geographic Coordinate System Property Page. |
GeometryServerObjectPropPage | ESRI ArcGIS Server Geometry Server Object property page. |
GeoprocessingServerObjectPropPage | ESRI ArcGIS Server Geoprocessing Server Object property page. |
GlobeServerObjectPropPage | ESRI ArcGIS Server Globe Server Object property page. |
GxAGSFolderPropertyPage | ESRI AGS Server folder property page. |
GxBrowserDockWindow | The Catalog window dockable window. |
GxComBrowser | Provides access to GX browser dialog. |
GxContentsView | GxView that represents the contents view. |
GxContentsViewColumn | Provides access to contents view column. |
GxContentsViewPage | ESRI GxContentsView property page. |
GxDataGraphView | GxView that represents the data graph contents view. |
GxDialog | Provides access to GX browser dialog. |
GxDocumentationView | GxView that represents the metadata view. |
GxDocumentationViewWindow | Provides access to memebers of DescriptionWindow. |
GxFeatureAccessSOEPage | Feature Access SOE properties page. |
GxFileFilterDefinitionPage | GX File Filter Definition Property Page. |
GxFilterMSDFiles | A filter for displaying/choosing MSDFiles. |
GxGeographicView | GxView that represents the geographic view. |
GxISCDefContextMenu | ISCDef file context menu. |
GxItemIndexer | Provides access to members of GxIndexer. |
GxItemInfoHelper | Provides access to members of GxItemInfoHelper. |
GxKMLSOEPage | KML SOE properties page. |
GxMSDFile | A MapServerDefinitionFile Dataset. |
GxMSDFileContextMenu | Context Menu. |
GxMSDFileFactory | Gx Object Factory for MapServerDefinitionFile Datasets. |
GxMSDFilePropPage | Provides access to GxMSDFile property page. |
GxMSDFileView | GxView that represents the MSDFile view. |
GxNASOEPage | NA SOE properties page. |
GxObjectVisibilityPage | GX Object Visibility Property Page. |
GxPackagePropPage | Provides access to GxPackage property page. |
GxPreview | GxView that represents the preview. |
GxRasterCatalogContentView | The RasterCatalog content view. |
GxRasterCatalogSubPropertyView | The property sub-view of RasterCatalog. |
GxShapefileIndexPage | Shapefile Index Property Page. |
GxTableView | GxView that represents the table contents view. |
GxTreeView | GxView that represents the tree view. |
GxWCSSOEPage | WCS SOE properties page. |
GxWFSSOEPage | WFS SOE properties page. |
GxWMSSOEPage | WMS SOE properties page. |
InfoItemsPage | INFO Table Items Property Page. |
InfoTableGeneralPage | INFO Table General Property Page. |
LocalCachePage | ESRI GIS Server Map Service Local Cache property page. |
MapServerObjectPropPage | ESRI ArcGIS Server Map Server Object property page. |
MetadataExtension | Provides access to metadata extension. |
MetadataServiceEngine | Metadata Service Search Engine. |
NetworkConfiguration | Provides Network Configuration Information. |
NetworkConstantEvaluatorEditor | The constant evaluator editor. |
NetworkDatasetDialog | Dialogs for creating and editing network datasets. |
NetworkDirectionsGeneralPage | ESRI network directions general page. |
NetworkDirectionsRoadDetailPage | ESRI network directions road detail page. |
NetworkDirectionsShieldsPage | ESRI network directions shields page. |
NetworkEdgeTrafficEvaluatorEditor | The edge traffic evaluator editor. |
NetworkFieldEvaluatorEditor | The field evaluator editor. |
NetworkFunctionEvaluatorEditor | The function evaluator editor. |
NetworkGlobalTurnDelayEvaluatorEditor | The global turn delay evaluator editor. |
NetworkScriptEvaluatorEditor | The script evaluator editor. |
Pre70CoveragePropertyPage | Pre 7.0 Coverage Property Page. |
ProjectedCoordinateSystemDialog | Projected Coordinate System Dialog. |
ProjectedCoordSysPropPage | Projected Coordinate System Property Page. |
ProxyServerPage | ESRI Proxy Server property page. |
QueryTableDialog | Dialog to create query layer. |
RasterCoordSysPage | ESRI Raster Coordinate System Page. |
RelationshipClassDialog | Provides access to the relationship class dialog. |
RelationshipRulesPage | Relationship Class Rules Property Page. |
ResolutionPage | ESRI coordinate system resolution page. |
SearchServerObjectPropPage | ESRI ArcGIS Server Catalog Server Object property page. |
SpatialReferenceDialog | Provides access to the spatial reference dialog. |
SubtypesPropertyPage | ESRI table subtypes page. |
TableDefCoordPage | ESRI feature class coordinate system page. |
TableDefDomainPage | ESRI feature class domain page. |
TableDefFieldsPage | ESRI table definition fields page. |
TableDefinitionDialog | Dialog to define/edit table/feature class definitions. |
TableDefNamePage | ESRI table definition name page. |
TableDefRelationshipsPage | ESRI table definition relationships page. |
TableDefTolerancePage | ESRI feature class tolerance page. |
TableDefVerticalPage | ESRI feature class vertical page. |
TableDefWeightsPage | ESRI feature class weights association page. |
TableIndexPage | ESRI table index page. |
VerticalCoordinateSystemDialog | Vertical Coordinate System Dialog. |
VerticalCoordSysPropPage | Vertical Coordinate System Property Page. |
XYCoordSysPage | ESRI XY Coordinate System Page. |
ZCoordSysPage | ESRI Z Coordinate System Page. |
Enumeration | Description |
esriAGSServiceWebAccessStatus | Service Web Access status. |
esriContentsViewStyle | Contents View Style Options. |
esriCoordSysContext | Coordinate System Details Context. |
esriTableDefFieldsPageContext | Table Definition Fields Property Pages Context. |