The CartoUI library provides user interfaces including property pages to support objects contained in the Carto library.
Interface | Description |
IAdvancedDrawingDialog | Provides access to the Advanced Drawing Dialog. |
IAnnotationExpressionProperties | Provides access to members that control the annotation (labeling) expression properties proxy. |
IAVFSrcImporter | Provides access to members that control the ArcView (3.x) FSrc importer. |
IAVObject | Provides access to members that control the ArcView (3.x) object. |
IAVObjectConverter | Provides access to members that control the ArcView (3.x) object converter. |
IAVThemeImporter | Provides access to members that control the ArcView (3.x) theme importer. |
IClassificationDialog | Provides access to members that control a dialog for working with properties of a classification. |
ICreateHyperlinkMacroDialog | Provides access to members that control the Create Hyperlink Macro Dialog. |
IDataFrameAreaOfInterestDialog | Provides access to the data frame's area of interest property. |
IDataFrameClippingDialog | Provides access to members of the data frame clipping dialog. |
IDataFrameFixedExtentDialog | Provides access to the data frame's fixed bounds property. |
IDataFrameShapeDialog | Select a shape that is derived from a data frame. |
IDataHistogram | Provides access to members used to create a histogram from data values. |
IDatumChecker | Provides access to members that check for datum inconsistencies. |
IDatumChecker2 | Provides basic map access to members that check for datum inconsistencies. |
IDotDensitySymbolUIDialog | Provides access to members that control a dialog for working with some properties of a DotDensitySymbol object. |
IFeatureAdjustmentAssociationPage | Provides access to the cadastral feature adjustment association page. |
IFeatureLayerSourcePageExtension | Provides access to members that control a dialog for setting a feature layer's data source. |
IHistogram | Provides access to members that control histogram objects created from different data sources. |
IHistogram2 | Provides access to members that control histogram objects created from different data sources. |
IIdentifyDialog | Provides access to members that control Identifying layers by OID or a point. |
IIdentifyDialog2 | Provides access to members that control Identifying tables by OID. |
IIdentifyDialogProps | Provides access to members that control Identify dialog properties. |
ILabelEngineChecker | Provides basic map access to members that check for label engine inconsistencies. |
ILabelManagerDialog | Provides access to members that control the Label Manager Dialog. |
ILabelPriorityRankingDialog | Provides access to members that control the Label Priority Ranking Dialog. |
ILabelScaleRangeDialog | Provides access to members that control the Label Scale Range Dialog. |
ILabelScaleRangeDialog2 | Provides access to members that control the Label Scale Range Dialog. |
ILabelStyleSelector | Provides access to members that control a Label Style Selector. |
ILabelWeightRankingDialog | Provides access to members that control the Label Weight Ranking Dialog. |
ILegendWizard | Provides access to members of the legend wizard. |
IMapGridFactory | Provides access to members of the map grid factory. |
IMapGridSelector | Provides access to the map grid selector. |
IMapGridWizard | Provides access to members of the map grid wizard. |
IMaplexDictionaryDialog | Provides access to members that control the Maplex Dictionary Dialog. |
IMaplexDictionaryDialog2 | Provides access to members that control the Maplex Dictionary Dialog. |
IMaplexWeightRankingDialog | Provides access to members that control the Maplex Weight Ranking Dialog. |
INetworkLayerUINames | Protect names interface. Do not use. |
INetworkRendererPropertyPage | Provides access to members that control the NetworkRendererPropertyPage. |
INewGeoTransformationDialog | Provides access to the members that create a new geographic transformation. |
INewGeoTransformationDialog2 | Provides access to instantiate the default transformation in New GeoTransformation dialog. |
IProtectNameCartoUI | Provides access to dummy methods protecting name correctness. |
IQueryWizard | Provides access to members of the query wizard. |
IRendererPropertyPage | Provides access to members that control renderer property pages. |
IRendererUIDialog | Provides access to members that control dialogs for managing transparency and rotation related renderer properties. |
IRendererUIDialog2 | Provides access to members that control a dialog for working with the size properties of chart symbols. |
ISQLQueryDialog | Provides access to members that control the SQL Query Dialog. |
ISQLQueryDialog2 | Provides access to members that control the SQL Query Dialog. |
ISymbolLevelDialog | Provides access to the Symbol Level Dialog. |
ISymbolLevelsDialog | Provides access to members that control a dialog for setting symbol levels. |
CoClasses and Classes
CoClass or Class | Description |
AdvancedDrawingDialog | Dialog to set advanced drawing options for the Map. |
AnnoClassScaleRangeDialog | ESRI Annotation Feature Class Scale Range Dialog. |
AnnoDisplayPropertyPage | Property page for managing display properties of annotation. |
AnnoLabelClassesPropertyPage | Property page for managing label classes in annotation layers. |
AnnoLEPropsConflictPropertyPage | A label engine layer properties conflict detection property page. |
AnnoLEPropsExpressionPropertyPage | A label engine layer properties expression property page. |
AnnoLEPropsPlacementPropertyPage | A label engine layer properties placement property page. |
AnnoPlacementPropertyPluginPage | An annotation placement properties page designed to be plugged into a host dialog. |
AnnoSymbologyPropertyPage | Property page for managing symbology in annotation layers. |
AnnotationClassesFLPropertyPage | Property page for managing annotation extension properties for feature linked annotation layers. |
AnnotationClassesPropertyPage | Property page for managing annotation extension properties for non-feature linked annotation layers. |
AnnotationClassPropertyPage | Property page for managing annotation extension properties for graphics layers. |
AnnotationExpressionProperties | An ESRI annotation expression properties. |
AnnotationSublayerInfoPropertyPage | Annotation sublayer properties page. |
AreaGraphicPropertyPage | Area graphic element property page. |
AreaSeriesProperties | A container for the display and manipulation of area graph series. |
AVObject | An ArcView (3.x) generic object. |
AVObjectConverter | An ArcView (3.x) object converter. |
BackgroundSelector | Background style selector. |
BarChartPropertyPage | Renderer property page for managing properties associated with the 'Bar charts' layer symbology option. |
BarSeriesProperties | A container for the display and manipulation of bar graph series. |
BarSizeDialog | A dialog for working with the size properties of BarChartSymbol and StackedChartSymbol objects. |
BiUniqueValuePropertyPage | Renderer property page for managing properties associated with the 'Quantity by category' layer symbology option. |
BorderSelector | Border style selector. |
BoxPlotSeriesProperties | A container for the display and manipulation of box plot graph series. |
CadAnnotationLayerFactory | ESRI CAD Annotation Layer Factory. |
CadastralFabricLayerHistoryPropPage | Property page for managing cadastral fabric layer history properties. |
CadFeatureLayerFactory | ESRI CAD Feature Layer Factory |
CadLayerFactory | ESRI CAD Layer Factory. |
CadUniqueValuePropertyPage | Renderer property page for managing properties associated with the 'Cad fields' layer symbology option. |
CalibratedBorderPropertyPage | Property page for calibrated grid borders. |
CFAssociationsPage | Cadastral fabric associations property page. |
CFDataSourcePageExtension | . |
CFGeneralPage | Cadastral fabric general property page. |
CFSourcePage | Cadastral Fabric Source property page. |
CFSubClassesPage | Property page for cadastral fabric sub classes. |
ClassificationDialog | A dialog for working with properties of a classification. |
ColumnAndMarginPropertyPage | Property page for Columns and Margins. |
CombiUniqueValuePropertyPage | Renderer property page for managing properties associated with the 'Unique values based on many fields' layer symbology option. |
CornerLabelPropertyPage | Property page for corner grid labels. |
CovAnnoFontPropertyPage | Coverage annotation layer property page for fonts. |
CovAnnoLevelPropertyPage | Coverage annotation layer property page for levels. |
CoverageAnnotationLayerFactory | A factory for creating coverage annotation layers. |
CreateHyperlinkMacroDialog | Hyperlink Macro Dialog. |
CustomOverlayGridFactory | Custom overlay grid factory class. |
DataExclusionPropertyPage | Data exclusion property page for working with legend properties. |
DataExclusionQueryPropertyPage | Data exclusion property page for working with query properties. |
DataFrameAreaOfInterestDialog | Data frame fixed bounds dialog. |
DataFrameClippingDialog | Data frame clipping dialog. |
DataFrameFixedExtentDialog | Data frame fixed bounds dialog. |
DataFrameShapeDialog | Data Frame Shape Dialog. |
DataGraphT | A container for the display and manipulation of graph series. |
DataGraphTElement | A container for the display and manipulation of data graph graphic element on the ArcMap layout view. |
DataGraphTGeneralProperties | A container for the display and manipulation of graph general properties. |
DataGraphTHorizontalAxisProperties | A container for the display and manipulation of graph horizontal axis properties. |
DataGraphTLegendProperties | A container for the display and manipulation of graph legend properties. |
DataGraphTPenProperties | A container for the display and manipulation of graph series pen properties. |
DataGraphTScatterPlotMatrix | A container for the display and manipulation of ScatterPlotMatrix graph. |
DataGraphTSymbolProperties | A container for the display and manipulation of graph series symbol properties. |
DataGraphTVerticalAxisProperties | A container for the display and manipulation of graph vertical axis properties. |
DataHistogram | A histogram data structure that is created from data values. Use this to pass data to a classification object. |
DataSamplingPropertyPage | Data sampling property page. |
DatumChecker | Datum checker. |
DefaultFeatureLayerSymbology | Defines the default feature layer symbology. |
DisplayStringPropPage | Simple property page for Display String manipulation. |
DmsLabelPropertyPage | Property page for DMS grid labels. |
DotDensitySymbolUIDialog | A dialog for working with some properties of a DotDensitySymbol object. |
FeatureAdjustmentAssociationPage | Cadastral Feature Adjustment Association Page. |
FeatureIdentifyObject | Feature Identify Object. |
FeatureLayerDisplayPropertyPage | Property page for managing a feature layer's display properties. |
FeatureLayerHTMLPropertyPage | Property page for managing a feature layer's HTML popup properties. |
FeatureLayerSelectionPropertyPage | Property page for managing selection properties for a feature layer. |
FeatureLayerSourcePropertyPage | Property page for managing a feature layer's source. |
FillShapeElementPropertyPage | Fill Shape graphic element property page. |
FramePropertyPage | Property page for frames. |
FunctionSeriesProperties | A container for the display and manipulation of function graph series. |
GeneralLayerPropPage | General property page for managing layer properties. |
GeneralLegendItemPropertyPage | Property page for managing general legend item properties. |
GraduatedColorPropertyPage | Renderer property page for managing properties associated with the 'Graduated colors' layer symbology option. |
GraduatedSymbolPropertyPage | Renderer property page for managing properties associated with the 'Graduated symbols' layer symbology option. |
GraphicsLayerAnnoPropertyPage | Property page for managing annotation properties for read-only graphics layers. |
GraticuleFactory | Graticule factory class. |
GraticuleIntervalsPropertyPage | Property page for graticule intervals. |
GridHatchPropertyPage | Property page for grid hatching. |
GroupLayerDisplayPropertyPage | Property page for managing a group layer's display properties). |
GroupLayerPropertyPage | Property page for a group layer. |
GxBrowserFactory | A factory for creating layers based on feature classes and layer files. |
HistogramSeriesProperties | A container for the display and manipulation of histogram graph series. |
HorizontalBarLegendItemPropertyPage | Property page for managing the properties of horizontal bar legend items. |
HorizontalLegendItemPropertyPage | Property page for managing the properties of horizontal legend items. |
IdentifyDialog | Identifying layers by OID or a point. |
IndexGridFactory | Index grid factory class. |
IndexGridPropertyPage | Property page for index grid cells and labels. |
IndexTabPropertyPage | Property page for index grid tabs. |
InteriorLabelsPropertyPage | Property page for interior grid labels. |
LabelDefinitionPropertyPage | Property page for managing a label definition. |
LabelEngineChecker | Label engine checker. |
LabelManagerDialog | ESRI Label Manager Dialog. |
LabelPriorityRankingDialog | ESRI Label Priority Ranking Dialog. |
LabelScaleRangeDialog | ESRI Label Scale Range Dialog. |
LabelStylePropertyPage | A label Style property page. |
LabelStyleSelector | Style selector for labels. |
LabelWeightRankingDialog | ESRI Label Weight Ranking Dialog. |
LabelWeightsPropertyPage | ESRI label engine weights ranking property page. |
LayerDefinitionQueryPropertyPage | Property page for managing a feature layer's definition query. |
LayerDrawingPropertyPage | Property page for managing a feature layer's drawing properties (symbology). |
LayerFieldsPropertyPage | Property page for managing properties associated with a feature layer's fields. |
LayerLabelsPropertyPage | Property page for managing labelling properties for a feature layer. |
LegendElementItemsPropertyPage | Property page for a legend's items. |
LegendElementPropertyPage | Property page for legends. |
LegendItemSelector | Style selector for legend items. |
LegendPatchPropertyPage | Property page for managing legend patch properties. |
LegendWizard | Legend wizard. |
LengthGraphicPropertyPage | Length graphic element property page. |
LineElementPropertyPage | Line graphic element property page. |
LineSeriesProperties | A container for the display and manipulation of line graph series. |
LookupSymbolPropertyPage | Renderer property page for managing properties associated with the 'Match to symbols in a style' layer symbology option. |
MapCachePropertyPage | ESRI Feature Cache property page. |
MapFrameLocatorPropertyPage | Property page for map frame locator. |
MapFramePropertyPage | Property page for the map frame. |
MapGraphicsLayerPropertyPage | Basic Graphics Layer property page for a map. |
MapGridAxesPropertyPage | Property page for map grid axes. |
MapGridIntervalsPropertyPage | Property page for map grid intervals. |
MapGridLabelsPropertyPage | Property page for map grid labels. |
MapGridLinesPropertyPage | Property page for map grid lines. |
MapGridOverlayPropertyPage | Property page for custom overlay grids. |
MapGridSelector | Style selector for map grids. |
MapGridStyleGalleryClass | Map Grid gallery class. |
MapGridSystemPropertyPage | Property page for map grid coordinate systems. |
MapGridWizard | Map grid wizard. |
MaplexAnnoLEPropsAdvancedPropertyPage | Maplex Label engine layer properties advanced property page. |
MaplexAnnoLEPropsConflictPropertyPage | Maplex Label engine layer properties conflict detection property page. |
MaplexAnnoLEPropsPlacementPropertyPage | Maplex Label engine layer properties placement property page. |
MaplexAnnoLEPropsStackingPropertyPage | Maplex Label engine layer properties stacking property page. |
MaplexAnnoLEPropsStrategyPropertyPage | Maplex Label engine layer properties conflict property page. |
MaplexAnnoPlacementPropertyPluginPage | An annotation placement properties page designed to be plugged into a host dialog. |
MaplexDictionaryDialog | ESRI Maplex Dictionary Dialog. |
MaplexLabelStylePropertyPage | A Maplex label Style property page. |
MaplexLabelStyleSelector | Style selector for Maplex labels. |
MaplexOverposterOptionsPropertyPage | Maplex overposter options properties page. |
MaplexWeightRankingDialog | ESRI Maplex Weight Ranking Dialog. |
MapProjectionPropPage | Property page for map projections. |
MapScalePropertyPage | Property page for standard scales. |
MarkerElementPropertyPage | Marker graphic element property page. |
MarkerLocationPropertyPage | Marker location property page. |
MarkerRotationDialog | A dialog for working with the rotation properties of a renderer. |
MarkerSizeDialog | A dialog for working with the size properties of a renderer. |
MeasuredGridFactory | Measured grid factory class. |
MgrsGridFactory | MGRS grid factory class. |
MgrsGridPropertyPage | Property page for MGRS grids. |
MixedFontLabelPropertyPage | Property page for mixed font grid labels. |
MultiDotDensityPropertyPage | Renderer property page for managing properties associated with the 'Dot density' layer symbology option. |
NestedLegendItemPropertyPage | Property page for managing the properties of nested legend items. |
NetworkDirtyAreaRendererPropertyPage | Property page for managing the properties of the NetworkDirtyAreaRenderer object. |
NetworkTrafficRendererPropertyPage | Property page for managing the properties of the NetworkTrafficRenderer object. |
NewGeoTransformationDialog | New geographic transformation dialog. |
NorthArrowElementPropertyPage | Property page for north arrow elements. |
NorthArrowSelector | Style selector for north arrows. |
OverposterGeneralPropertyPage | Annotate map properties page. |
PictureElementPropertyPage | Picture graphic element property page. |
PieChartPropertyPage | Renderer property page for managing properties associated with the 'Pie charts' layer symbology option. |
PieSeriesProperties | A container for the display and manipulation of pie graph series. |
PieSizeDialog | A dialog for working with the size properties of a PieChartSymbol object. |
PointSeriesProperties | A container for the display and manipulation of scatter plot graph series. |
PrincipalDigitsPropertyPage | Property page for grid labels that highlight the principal digits of the label values. |
ProportionalSymbolPropertyPage | Renderer property page for managing properties associated with the 'Proportional symbols' layer symbology option. |
QueryLayerSourcePropertyPage | Property page for managing a query layer's source. |
QueryWizard | Query wizard. |
RotateTracker | Tracker for rotation operations. |
RowIdentifyObject | Row Identify Object. |
ScaleBarFormatPropertyPage | Property page for a scale bar's format. |
ScaleBarLabelsAndMarksPropertyPage | Property page for a scale bar's labels and marks. |
ScaleBarScalePropertyPage | Property page for a scale bar's scale and units. |
ScaleBarSelector | Style selector for scalebars. |
ScaleFormatPropertyPage | Property page for scale format. |
ScaleTextElementPropertyPage | Property page for scale text elements. |
ScaleTextPropertyPage | Property page for scale text. |
ScaleTextSelector | Style selector for scale text. |
ScaleTracker | Tracker for scale operations. |
ScatterPlotMatrixSeriesProperties | A container for the display and manipulation of scatter plot matrix graph. |
ShadowSelector | Shadow style selector. |
SimpleNetworkRendererPropertyPage | Property page for managing the properties of the SimpleNetworkRenderer object. |
SingleSymbolPropertyPage | Renderer property page for managing properties associated with the 'Single symbol' layer symbology option. |
SizeAndPositionPropertyPage | Property page for positioning graphic elements. |
SQLQueryDialog | ESRI SQL Query Dialog. |
StackedChartPropertyPage | Renderer property page for managing properties associated with the 'Stacked charts' layer symbology option. |
SymbolBackgroundPropertyPage | Property page for Symbol Backgrounds. |
SymbolBorderPropertyPage | Property page for Symbol Borders. |
SymbolLevelDialog | Dialog to set pre 9.0 style Symbol Levels for a Map. |
SymbolLevelsDialog | A dialog for setting symbol levels. |
SymbolShadowPropertyPage | Property page for Symbol Shadows. |
TableHistogram | A histogram data structure that is created from table data. Use this to pass data to a classification object. |
TextElementPropertyPage | Text graphic element property page. |
TimeDataPropertyPage | Property page for managing a layer's time related properties. |
TimeTablePropertyPage | Property page for managing a layer's time definition related properties. |
TransparencyFieldDialog | A dialog for working with the transparency by field properties of a renderer. |
UniqueValuePropertyPage | Renderer property page for managing properties associated with the 'Unique values' layer symbology option. |
VerticalLegendItemPropertyPage | Property page for managing the properties of stacked legend items. |