ArcObjects Library Reference (CartoUI)  

CartoUI Library Contents

The CartoUI library provides user interfaces including property pages to support objects contained in the Carto library.


Interface Description
IAdvancedDrawingDialog Provides access to the Advanced Drawing Dialog.
IAnnotationExpressionProperties Provides access to members that control the annotation (labeling) expression properties proxy.
IAVFSrcImporter Provides access to members that control the ArcView (3.x) FSrc importer.
IAVObject Provides access to members that control the ArcView (3.x) object.
IAVObjectConverter Provides access to members that control the ArcView (3.x) object converter.
IAVThemeImporter Provides access to members that control the ArcView (3.x) theme importer.
IClassificationDialog Provides access to members that control a dialog for working with properties of a classification.
ICreateHyperlinkMacroDialog Provides access to members that control the Create Hyperlink Macro Dialog.
IDataFrameAreaOfInterestDialog Provides access to the data frame's area of interest property.
IDataFrameClippingDialog Provides access to members of the data frame clipping dialog.
IDataFrameFixedExtentDialog Provides access to the data frame's fixed bounds property.
IDataFrameShapeDialog Select a shape that is derived from a data frame.
IDataHistogram Provides access to members used to create a histogram from data values.
IDatumChecker Provides access to members that check for datum inconsistencies.
IDatumChecker2 Provides basic map access to members that check for datum inconsistencies.
IDotDensitySymbolUIDialog Provides access to members that control a dialog for working with some properties of a DotDensitySymbol object.
IFeatureAdjustmentAssociationPage Provides access to the cadastral feature adjustment association page.
IFeatureLayerSourcePageExtension Provides access to members that control a dialog for setting a feature layer's data source.
IHistogram Provides access to members that control histogram objects created from different data sources.
IHistogram2 Provides access to members that control histogram objects created from different data sources.
IIdentifyDialog Provides access to members that control Identifying layers by OID or a point.
IIdentifyDialog2 Provides access to members that control Identifying tables by OID.
IIdentifyDialogProps Provides access to members that control Identify dialog properties.
ILabelEngineChecker Provides basic map access to members that check for label engine inconsistencies.
ILabelManagerDialog Provides access to members that control the Label Manager Dialog.
ILabelPriorityRankingDialog Provides access to members that control the Label Priority Ranking Dialog.
ILabelScaleRangeDialog Provides access to members that control the Label Scale Range Dialog.
ILabelScaleRangeDialog2 Provides access to members that control the Label Scale Range Dialog.
ILabelStyleSelector Provides access to members that control a Label Style Selector.
ILabelWeightRankingDialog Provides access to members that control the Label Weight Ranking Dialog.
ILegendWizard Provides access to members of the legend wizard.
IMapGridFactory Provides access to members of the map grid factory.
IMapGridSelector Provides access to the map grid selector.
IMapGridWizard Provides access to members of the map grid wizard.
IMaplexDictionaryDialog Provides access to members that control the Maplex Dictionary Dialog.
IMaplexDictionaryDialog2 Provides access to members that control the Maplex Dictionary Dialog.
IMaplexWeightRankingDialog Provides access to members that control the Maplex Weight Ranking Dialog.
INetworkLayerUINames Protect names interface. Do not use.
INetworkRendererPropertyPage Provides access to members that control the NetworkRendererPropertyPage.
INewGeoTransformationDialog Provides access to the members that create a new geographic transformation.
INewGeoTransformationDialog2 Provides access to instantiate the default transformation in New GeoTransformation dialog.
IProtectNameCartoUI Provides access to dummy methods protecting name correctness.
IQueryWizard Provides access to members of the query wizard.
IRendererPropertyPage Provides access to members that control renderer property pages.
IRendererUIDialog Provides access to members that control dialogs for managing transparency and rotation related renderer properties.
IRendererUIDialog2 Provides access to members that control a dialog for working with the size properties of chart symbols.
ISQLQueryDialog Provides access to members that control the SQL Query Dialog.
ISQLQueryDialog2 Provides access to members that control the SQL Query Dialog.
ISymbolLevelDialog Provides access to the Symbol Level Dialog.
ISymbolLevelsDialog Provides access to members that control a dialog for setting symbol levels.

CoClasses and Classes

CoClass or Class Description
AdvancedDrawingDialog Dialog to set advanced drawing options for the Map.
AnnoClassScaleRangeDialog ESRI Annotation Feature Class Scale Range Dialog.
AnnoDisplayPropertyPage Property page for managing display properties of annotation.
AnnoLabelClassesPropertyPage Property page for managing label classes in annotation layers.
AnnoLEPropsConflictPropertyPage A label engine layer properties conflict detection property page.
AnnoLEPropsExpressionPropertyPage A label engine layer properties expression property page.
AnnoLEPropsPlacementPropertyPage A label engine layer properties placement property page.
AnnoPlacementPropertyPluginPage An annotation placement properties page designed to be plugged into a host dialog.
AnnoSymbologyPropertyPage Property page for managing symbology in annotation layers.
AnnotationClassesFLPropertyPage Property page for managing annotation extension properties for feature linked annotation layers.
AnnotationClassesPropertyPage Property page for managing annotation extension properties for non-feature linked annotation layers.
AnnotationClassPropertyPage Property page for managing annotation extension properties for graphics layers.
AnnotationExpressionProperties An ESRI annotation expression properties.
AnnotationSublayerInfoPropertyPage Annotation sublayer properties page.
AreaGraphicPropertyPage Area graphic element property page.
AreaSeriesProperties A container for the display and manipulation of area graph series.
AVObject An ArcView (3.x) generic object.
AVObjectConverter An ArcView (3.x) object converter.
BackgroundSelector Background style selector.
BarChartPropertyPage Renderer property page for managing properties associated with the 'Bar charts' layer symbology option.
BarSeriesProperties A container for the display and manipulation of bar graph series.
BarSizeDialog A dialog for working with the size properties of BarChartSymbol and StackedChartSymbol objects.
BiUniqueValuePropertyPage Renderer property page for managing properties associated with the 'Quantity by category' layer symbology option.
BorderSelector Border style selector.
BoxPlotSeriesProperties A container for the display and manipulation of box plot graph series.
CadAnnotationLayerFactory ESRI CAD Annotation Layer Factory.
CadastralFabricLayerHistoryPropPage Property page for managing cadastral fabric layer history properties.
CadFeatureLayerFactory ESRI CAD Feature Layer Factory
CadLayerFactory ESRI CAD Layer Factory.
CadUniqueValuePropertyPage Renderer property page for managing properties associated with the 'Cad fields' layer symbology option.
CalibratedBorderPropertyPage Property page for calibrated grid borders.
CFAssociationsPage Cadastral fabric associations property page.
CFDataSourcePageExtension .
CFGeneralPage Cadastral fabric general property page.
CFSourcePage Cadastral Fabric Source property page.
CFSubClassesPage Property page for cadastral fabric sub classes.
ClassificationDialog A dialog for working with properties of a classification.
ColumnAndMarginPropertyPage Property page for Columns and Margins.
CombiUniqueValuePropertyPage Renderer property page for managing properties associated with the 'Unique values based on many fields' layer symbology option.
CornerLabelPropertyPage Property page for corner grid labels.
CovAnnoFontPropertyPage Coverage annotation layer property page for fonts.
CovAnnoLevelPropertyPage Coverage annotation layer property page for levels.
CoverageAnnotationLayerFactory A factory for creating coverage annotation layers.
CreateHyperlinkMacroDialog Hyperlink Macro Dialog.
CustomOverlayGridFactory Custom overlay grid factory class.
DataExclusionPropertyPage Data exclusion property page for working with legend properties.
DataExclusionQueryPropertyPage Data exclusion property page for working with query properties.
DataFrameAreaOfInterestDialog Data frame fixed bounds dialog.
DataFrameClippingDialog Data frame clipping dialog.
DataFrameFixedExtentDialog Data frame fixed bounds dialog.
DataFrameShapeDialog Data Frame Shape Dialog.
DataGraphT A container for the display and manipulation of graph series.
DataGraphTElement A container for the display and manipulation of data graph graphic element on the ArcMap layout view.
DataGraphTGeneralProperties A container for the display and manipulation of graph general properties.
DataGraphTHorizontalAxisProperties A container for the display and manipulation of graph horizontal axis properties.
DataGraphTLegendProperties A container for the display and manipulation of graph legend properties.
DataGraphTPenProperties A container for the display and manipulation of graph series pen properties.
DataGraphTScatterPlotMatrix A container for the display and manipulation of ScatterPlotMatrix graph.
DataGraphTSymbolProperties A container for the display and manipulation of graph series symbol properties.
DataGraphTVerticalAxisProperties A container for the display and manipulation of graph vertical axis properties.
DataHistogram A histogram data structure that is created from data values. Use this to pass data to a classification object.
DataSamplingPropertyPage Data sampling property page.
DatumChecker Datum checker.
DefaultFeatureLayerSymbology Defines the default feature layer symbology.
DisplayStringPropPage Simple property page for Display String manipulation.
DmsLabelPropertyPage Property page for DMS grid labels.
DotDensitySymbolUIDialog A dialog for working with some properties of a DotDensitySymbol object.
FeatureAdjustmentAssociationPage Cadastral Feature Adjustment Association Page.
FeatureIdentifyObject Feature Identify Object.
FeatureLayerDisplayPropertyPage Property page for managing a feature layer's display properties.
FeatureLayerHTMLPropertyPage Property page for managing a feature layer's HTML popup properties.
FeatureLayerSelectionPropertyPage Property page for managing selection properties for a feature layer.
FeatureLayerSourcePropertyPage Property page for managing a feature layer's source.
FillShapeElementPropertyPage Fill Shape graphic element property page.
FramePropertyPage Property page for frames.
FunctionSeriesProperties A container for the display and manipulation of function graph series.
GeneralLayerPropPage General property page for managing layer properties.
GeneralLegendItemPropertyPage Property page for managing general legend item properties.
GraduatedColorPropertyPage Renderer property page for managing properties associated with the 'Graduated colors' layer symbology option.
GraduatedSymbolPropertyPage Renderer property page for managing properties associated with the 'Graduated symbols' layer symbology option.
GraphicsLayerAnnoPropertyPage Property page for managing annotation properties for read-only graphics layers.
GraticuleFactory Graticule factory class.
GraticuleIntervalsPropertyPage Property page for graticule intervals.
GridHatchPropertyPage Property page for grid hatching.
GroupLayerDisplayPropertyPage Property page for managing a group layer's display properties).
GroupLayerPropertyPage Property page for a group layer.
GxBrowserFactory A factory for creating layers based on feature classes and layer files.
HistogramSeriesProperties A container for the display and manipulation of histogram graph series.
HorizontalBarLegendItemPropertyPage Property page for managing the properties of horizontal bar legend items.
HorizontalLegendItemPropertyPage Property page for managing the properties of horizontal legend items.
IdentifyDialog Identifying layers by OID or a point.
IndexGridFactory Index grid factory class.
IndexGridPropertyPage Property page for index grid cells and labels.
IndexTabPropertyPage Property page for index grid tabs.
InteriorLabelsPropertyPage Property page for interior grid labels.
LabelDefinitionPropertyPage Property page for managing a label definition.
LabelEngineChecker Label engine checker.
LabelManagerDialog ESRI Label Manager Dialog.
LabelPriorityRankingDialog ESRI Label Priority Ranking Dialog.
LabelScaleRangeDialog ESRI Label Scale Range Dialog.
LabelStylePropertyPage A label Style property page.
LabelStyleSelector Style selector for labels.
LabelWeightRankingDialog ESRI Label Weight Ranking Dialog.
LabelWeightsPropertyPage ESRI label engine weights ranking property page.
LayerDefinitionQueryPropertyPage Property page for managing a feature layer's definition query.
LayerDrawingPropertyPage Property page for managing a feature layer's drawing properties (symbology).
LayerFieldsPropertyPage Property page for managing properties associated with a feature layer's fields.
LayerLabelsPropertyPage Property page for managing labelling properties for a feature layer.
LegendElementItemsPropertyPage Property page for a legend's items.
LegendElementPropertyPage Property page for legends.
LegendItemSelector Style selector for legend items.
LegendPatchPropertyPage Property page for managing legend patch properties.
LegendWizard Legend wizard.
LengthGraphicPropertyPage Length graphic element property page.
LineElementPropertyPage Line graphic element property page.
LineSeriesProperties A container for the display and manipulation of line graph series.
LookupSymbolPropertyPage Renderer property page for managing properties associated with the 'Match to symbols in a style' layer symbology option.
MapCachePropertyPage ESRI Feature Cache property page.
MapFrameLocatorPropertyPage Property page for map frame locator.
MapFramePropertyPage Property page for the map frame.
MapGraphicsLayerPropertyPage Basic Graphics Layer property page for a map.
MapGridAxesPropertyPage Property page for map grid axes.
MapGridIntervalsPropertyPage Property page for map grid intervals.
MapGridLabelsPropertyPage Property page for map grid labels.
MapGridLinesPropertyPage Property page for map grid lines.
MapGridOverlayPropertyPage Property page for custom overlay grids.
MapGridSelector Style selector for map grids.
MapGridStyleGalleryClass Map Grid gallery class.
MapGridSystemPropertyPage Property page for map grid coordinate systems.
MapGridWizard Map grid wizard.
MaplexAnnoLEPropsAdvancedPropertyPage Maplex Label engine layer properties advanced property page.
MaplexAnnoLEPropsConflictPropertyPage Maplex Label engine layer properties conflict detection property page.
MaplexAnnoLEPropsPlacementPropertyPage Maplex Label engine layer properties placement property page.
MaplexAnnoLEPropsStackingPropertyPage Maplex Label engine layer properties stacking property page.
MaplexAnnoLEPropsStrategyPropertyPage Maplex Label engine layer properties conflict property page.
MaplexAnnoPlacementPropertyPluginPage An annotation placement properties page designed to be plugged into a host dialog.
MaplexDictionaryDialog ESRI Maplex Dictionary Dialog.
MaplexLabelStylePropertyPage A Maplex label Style property page.
MaplexLabelStyleSelector Style selector for Maplex labels.
MaplexOverposterOptionsPropertyPage Maplex overposter options properties page.
MaplexWeightRankingDialog ESRI Maplex Weight Ranking Dialog.
MapProjectionPropPage Property page for map projections.
MapScalePropertyPage Property page for standard scales.
MarkerElementPropertyPage Marker graphic element property page.
MarkerLocationPropertyPage Marker location property page.
MarkerRotationDialog A dialog for working with the rotation properties of a renderer.
MarkerSizeDialog A dialog for working with the size properties of a renderer.
MeasuredGridFactory Measured grid factory class.
MgrsGridFactory MGRS grid factory class.
MgrsGridPropertyPage Property page for MGRS grids.
MixedFontLabelPropertyPage Property page for mixed font grid labels.
MultiDotDensityPropertyPage Renderer property page for managing properties associated with the 'Dot density' layer symbology option.
NestedLegendItemPropertyPage Property page for managing the properties of nested legend items.
NetworkDirtyAreaRendererPropertyPage Property page for managing the properties of the NetworkDirtyAreaRenderer object.
NetworkTrafficRendererPropertyPage Property page for managing the properties of the NetworkTrafficRenderer object.
NewGeoTransformationDialog New geographic transformation dialog.
NorthArrowElementPropertyPage Property page for north arrow elements.
NorthArrowSelector Style selector for north arrows.
OverposterGeneralPropertyPage Annotate map properties page.
PictureElementPropertyPage Picture graphic element property page.
PieChartPropertyPage Renderer property page for managing properties associated with the 'Pie charts' layer symbology option.
PieSeriesProperties A container for the display and manipulation of pie graph series.
PieSizeDialog A dialog for working with the size properties of a PieChartSymbol object.
PointSeriesProperties A container for the display and manipulation of scatter plot graph series.
PrincipalDigitsPropertyPage Property page for grid labels that highlight the principal digits of the label values.
ProportionalSymbolPropertyPage Renderer property page for managing properties associated with the 'Proportional symbols' layer symbology option.
QueryLayerSourcePropertyPage Property page for managing a query layer's source.
QueryWizard Query wizard.
RotateTracker Tracker for rotation operations.
RowIdentifyObject Row Identify Object.
ScaleBarFormatPropertyPage Property page for a scale bar's format.
ScaleBarLabelsAndMarksPropertyPage Property page for a scale bar's labels and marks.
ScaleBarScalePropertyPage Property page for a scale bar's scale and units.
ScaleBarSelector Style selector for scalebars.
ScaleFormatPropertyPage Property page for scale format.
ScaleTextElementPropertyPage Property page for scale text elements.
ScaleTextPropertyPage Property page for scale text.
ScaleTextSelector Style selector for scale text.
ScaleTracker Tracker for scale operations.
ScatterPlotMatrixSeriesProperties A container for the display and manipulation of scatter plot matrix graph.
ShadowSelector Shadow style selector.
SimpleNetworkRendererPropertyPage Property page for managing the properties of the SimpleNetworkRenderer object.
SingleSymbolPropertyPage Renderer property page for managing properties associated with the 'Single symbol' layer symbology option.
SizeAndPositionPropertyPage Property page for positioning graphic elements.
SQLQueryDialog ESRI SQL Query Dialog.
StackedChartPropertyPage Renderer property page for managing properties associated with the 'Stacked charts' layer symbology option.
SymbolBackgroundPropertyPage Property page for Symbol Backgrounds.
SymbolBorderPropertyPage Property page for Symbol Borders.
SymbolLevelDialog Dialog to set pre 9.0 style Symbol Levels for a Map.
SymbolLevelsDialog A dialog for setting symbol levels.
SymbolShadowPropertyPage Property page for Symbol Shadows.
TableHistogram A histogram data structure that is created from table data. Use this to pass data to a classification object.
TextElementPropertyPage Text graphic element property page.
TimeDataPropertyPage Property page for managing a layer's time related properties.
TimeTablePropertyPage Property page for managing a layer's time definition related properties.
TransparencyFieldDialog A dialog for working with the transparency by field properties of a renderer.
UniqueValuePropertyPage Renderer property page for managing properties associated with the 'Unique values' layer symbology option.
VerticalLegendItemPropertyPage Property page for managing the properties of stacked legend items.