ArcObjects Library Reference (Carto)  

IGpsDisplayProperties Interface

Provides access to GPS display properties.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.


Read/write property AltitudeUnits The units used for altitude in the GPS display.
Read/write property AutoPan Indicates if the display extents are adjusted to keep the GPS position on the screen.
Read/write property BaseMarkerSymbol The marker symbol used to display the current position under normal circumstances.
Method ClearGpsDisplay Clears the GPS display.
Read/write property EstimatedPositionSymbol The marker symbol used to display the estimated current position if the signal is lost.
Read/write property HighAltitudeSize The maximum altitude size used in calculating the current size of the base marker symbol.
Read/write property HighAltitudeValue The maximum altitude value used in calculating the size of the base marker symbol.
Read/write property HighSpeedValue The maximum speed value used in calculating the size of the base marker symbol.
Read/write property LatLongDisplayFormat The latitude-longitude display format for the GPS display.
Read/write property LowAltitudeSize The minimum altitude size used in calculating the current size of the base marker symbol.
Read/write property LowAltitudeValue The minimum altitude value used in calculating the size of the base marker symbol.
Read/write property LowSpeedValue The minimum speed value used in calculating the size of the base marker symbol.
Read/write property MinimumDisplayRate The minimum amount of time in seconds between screen refreshes for the display of the current position.
Read-only property PositionsExtent Extent bounding all positions received from the current RealTimeFeed so far.
Method RefreshGpsDisplay Refreshes the GPS display.
Read/write property ShowCurrentAltitude Indicates if the variation in the altitude is displayed.
Read/write property ShowCurrentBearing Indicates if the current heading (bearing) is displayed as an angle for the base marker symbol.
Read/write property ShowCurrentPosition Indicates if the current position is displayed.
Read/write property ShowCurrentSpeed Indicates if the base marker symbol size is varied based on the speed of the current position. Defaults to false.
Read/write property ShowEstimatedPosition Indicates if the estimated position is displayed when the signal is lost.
Read/write property ShowMarkerTrailAltitude Indicates if the variation in the altitude is displayed in the marker trail.
Read/write property ShowMarkerTrailBearing Indicates if the trail heading (bearing) is displayed as an angle of the base marker symbol.
Read/write property ShowMarkerTrailSpeed Indicates if the base marker symbol size is based on the speed of the marker trail position. Defaults to false.
Read/write property SpeedColorRamp The color ramp used to vary the color by speed.
Read/write property SpeedUnits The units to use for the speed of the current position.
Read/write property UseMinimumDisplayRate Indicates if the minimum display rate value is in effect.

CoClasses that implement IGpsDisplayProperties

CoClasses and Classes Description
RealTimeFeedManager The real-time feed manager object.