An ESRI Cad annotation layer.
Product Availability
Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.
Supported Platforms
Windows, Solaris, Linux
Interfaces | Description |
IAttributeTable | Provides access to the base table. |
IBarrierProperties | Provides access to members that control how objects (text, features, graphics) act as barriers for labelling. |
IBarrierProperties2 | Provides access to members that control how objects (text, features, graphics) act as barriers for labelling with the cancel tracker. |
ICadDrawingLayers (esriDataSourcesFile) | Provides access to properties that give information on the layers in the CAD drawing. |
ICadTransformations (esriDataSourcesFile) | Provides access to members that control Cad Transformations. |
IClass (esriGeoDatabase) | Provides access to members that return information about and manage the class. |
IConnectionPointContainer | Supports connection points for connectable objects. |
ICoverageAnnotationLayer | Provides access to members that control a coverage annotation layer. |
ICoverageAnnotationLayer2 | Provides access to members that control a coverage annotation layer. |
ICoverageAnnotationLayerWrite | Provides access to members that control a coverage annotation layer writing methods. |
ICoverageAnnotationSel | Provides access to members that control a coverage annotation layer. |
IDataLayer | Provides access to members that control the data source properties of a layer. |
IDataLayer2 | Provides access to additional members that control the data source properties of a layer. |
IDataset (esriGeoDatabase) | Provides access to members that supply dataset information. |
IDisplayAdmin (esriDisplay) | Provides access to members that control display administration. |
IDisplayFilterManager (esriDisplay) | Provides access to members that control display filter management. |
IDisplayRelationshipClass | Provides access to members that are used to set up joins. |
IDisplayString | Provides access to members that work with a layer's display expression. |
IDisplayTable | Provides access to members that work with the display table associated with a standalone table. |
IDrawAnnotationGeometry | Provides access to annotation layer geometry drawing properties. |
IFeatureLayer | Provides access to members that control common aspects of a feature layer. |
IFeatureLayer2 | Provides access to additional members that control common aspects of a feature layer. |
IFeatureLayerDefinition | Provides access to members that define a subset of the features from the underlying feature class. |
IFeatureLayerDefinition2 | Provides additional access to members that define a subset of the features from the underlying feature class. |
IFeatureSelection | Provides access to members that control feature selection. |
IFind | Provides access to members that control finding. |
IGeoDataset (esriGeoDatabase) | Provides access to members that provide information about a Geographic Dataset. |
IGeoReference | Provides access to members that control the georeferencing operations. |
IHotlinkContainer | Provides access to members that manage all the hotlinks of a layer (e.g. field based hyperlinks or those that that call macros). |
IHotlinkExpression | Provides access to members that work with a layer's hyperlink expression. |
IHotlinkMacro | Provides access to members that control a hyperlink that calls a macro. |
IHTMLPopupIdentify | Provides access to members that consume the HTML popup tool content. |
IHTMLPopupIdentify2 | Provides access to members that consume the HTML popup tool content. |
IHTMLPopupInfo | Provides access to members that control the HTML popup tool. |
IHTMLPopupInfo2 | Provides access to members that control the HTML popup tool. |
IHyperlinkContainer | Provides access to members that manage all the hyperlinks of a layer. |
IIdentify | Provides access to members that identify features. |
IIdentify2 | Provides access to members that set the current scale of the display. |
IIdentifyDisplay | Provides access to members that will identify based on display. |
IInteractiveSearch | Provides access to visible features. |
ILayer | Provides access to members that work with all layers. |
ILayer2 | Provides access to additional members that work with all layers. |
ILayerDrawingPhase | Provides access to members that control the drawing phase of a layer. |
ILayerDrawingProperties | Provides access to members that control layer drawing properties. |
ILayerEffects | Provides access to members that control layer effects. |
ILayerExtensions | Provides access to the extensions of a layer. |
ILayerFields | Provides access to members that work with a layer's fields. |
ILayerGeneralProperties | Provides access to layer general properties. |
ILayerInfo | Provides access to members that return layer images. |
ILayerPosition | Provides access to members that control a layer's default position in the map interface. |
ILayerSymbologyExtents | Provides access to layer extents based on the symbology. |
IMapLevel (esriDisplay) | Provides access to members that control the map level. |
IObjectClassSchemaEvents (esriGeoDatabase) | Provides access to events that occur with an object class' schema. |
IOrderedLayerFields | Provides access to members that work with a layer's ordered fields. |
IPersist | Defines the single method GetClassID, which is designed to supply the CLSID of an object that can be stored persistently in the system. IPersist is the base interface for three other interfaces: IPersistStorage, IPersistStream, and IPersistFile. |
IPersistStream (esriSystem) | |
IPropertySupport (esriSystem) | Provides access to members that set a default property on an object. |
IPublishLayer | Provides access to a layer's capability for being published with the ArcGIS Publisher extension. |
IRelationshipClassCollection | Provides access to members that return the memory relationship classes defined for standalone tables or layers in ArcMap. |
IRelationshipClassCollectionEdit | Provides access to members that add and remove memory relationship classes from a standalone table or layer. |
ISecureLayer | Provides functionality to control access to a layer's contents. |
ITable (esriGeoDatabase) | Provides access to members that return information about and manage tables. |
ITableCapabilities (esriGeoDatabase) | Provides access to members that return information about and manage tables. |
ITableDefinition | Provides access to members that define a subset of the rows from the underlying table. |
ITableFields (esriGeoDatabase) | Provides access to members that return information about a table. |
ITableSelection | Provides access to members that control table selection. |
ITemporaryLayer | Provides access to temporary layer properties. |
IWorkspaceEvents (esriGeoDatabase) | Provides access to events that may be fired by a Workspace. |