See Also  Inheritance Hierarchy Send comments on this topic.
Using the CATIDs classes, in conjunction with function attributes provided by the .NET framework, you can automatically register your interop classes to ESRI component categories. You can easily add component category registration functions to your existing classes by using the ArcGIS Component Category Registrar dialog box which is part of the ArcGIS Visual Studio .NET IDE Integration Framework; the CATIDs classes are used by the integration framework to identify component category IDs.


ClassAdjustmentMethodPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the AdjustmentMethodPropertyPages component category.
ClassAdjustmentPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the AdjustmentPropertyPages component category.
ClassAGAnimationKeyframePropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the AGAnimationKeyframePropertyPages component category.
ClassAGAnimationPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the AGAnimationPropertyPages component category.
ClassAGAnimationTrackPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the AGAnimationTrackPropertyPages component category.
ClassAGSCatalogPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the AGSCatalogPropertyPages component category.
ClassAGSConnAdminPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the AGSConnAdminPropertyPages component category.
ClassAGSConnUserPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the AGSConnUserPropertyPages component category.
ClassAGSFolderPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the AGSFolderPropertyPages component category.
ClassAGSGeocodePropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the AGSGeocodePropertyPages component category.
ClassAGSGeoDataServerPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the AGSGeoDataServerPropertyPages component category.
ClassAGSGeometryPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the AGSGeometryPropertyPages component category.
ClassAGSGeoprocessingPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the AGSGeoprocessingPropertyPages component category.
ClassAGSGlobeServerPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the AGSGlobeServerPropertyPages component category.
ClassAGSImagePropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the AGSImagePropertyPages component category.
ClassAGSMapPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the AGSMapPropertyPages component category.
ClassAGSMobilePropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the AGSMobilePropertyPages component category.
ClassAGSParameterPages Registers or unregisters a class to the AGSParameterPages component category.
ClassAGSServerPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the AGSServerPropertyPages component category.
ClassAGSSOEParameterPages Registers or unregisters a class to the AGSSOEParameterPages component category.
ClassAnimationVideoExporters Registers or unregisters a class to the AnimationVideoExporters component category.
ClassAnnoEditToolMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the AnnoEditToolMenuCommands component category.
ClassAnnotationConstructors Registers or unregisters a class to the AnnotationConstructors component category.
ClassAnnotationExpresionPages Registers or unregisters a class to the AnnotationExpresionPages component category.
ClassAnnotationExpressionParsers Registers or unregisters a class to the AnnotationExpressionParsers component category.
ClassAnnotationPlacementPages Registers or unregisters a class to the AnnotationPlacementPages component category.
ClassAnnotationPlacementPluginPages Registers or unregisters a class to the AnnotationPlacementPluginPages component category.
ClassAnnotationPropertiesConverters Registers or unregisters a class to the AnnotationPropertiesConverters component category.
ClassAPEExtension Registers or unregisters a class to the APEExtension component category.
ClassArcToolboxTools Registers or unregisters a class to the ArcToolboxTools component category.
ClassArcToolboxViews Registers or unregisters a class to the ArcToolboxViews component category.
ClassAreaBoundaryCoveredByAreaBoundaryErrorCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the AreaBoundaryCoveredByAreaBoundaryErrorCommands component category.
ClassAreaContainsOnePointErrorCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the AreaContainsOnePointErrorCommands component category.
ClassAreaContainsPointErrorCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the AreaContainsPointErrorCommands component category.
ClassAreaCoveredByAreaErrorCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the AreaCoveredByAreaErrorCommands component category.
ClassAreaCoverErrorCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the AreaCoverErrorCommands component category.
ClassAreaGapErrorCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the AreaGapErrorCommands component category.
ClassAreaOverlapErrorCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the AreaOverlapErrorCommands component category.
ClassAreaPatches Registers or unregisters a class to the AreaPatches component category.
ClassAreaTessellateErrorCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the AreaTessellateErrorCommands component category.
ClassAttributeTransferTypes Registers or unregisters a class to the AttributeTransferTypes component category.
ClassAVFSrcImporters Registers or unregisters a class to the AVFSrcImporters component category.
ClassAVThemeImporters Registers or unregisters a class to the AVThemeImporters component category.
ClassBackgrounds Registers or unregisters a class to the Backgrounds component category.
ClassBGL Registers or unregisters a class to the BGL component category.
ClassBGLColorRamps Registers or unregisters a class to the BGLColorRamps component category.
ClassBGLColors Registers or unregisters a class to the BGLColors component category.
ClassBGLCustomOps Registers or unregisters a class to the BGLCustomOps component category.
ClassBGLFillOpEffect Registers or unregisters a class to the BGLFillOpEffect component category.
ClassBGLFillOps Registers or unregisters a class to the BGLFillOps component category.
ClassBGLGeometricEffects Registers or unregisters a class to the BGLGeometricEffects component category.
ClassBGLIMAGEDECODERS Registers or unregisters a class to the BGLIMAGEDECODERS component category.
ClassBGLIMAGEENCODERS Registers or unregisters a class to the BGLIMAGEENCODERS component category.
ClassBGLMarkerPlacements Registers or unregisters a class to the BGLMarkerPlacements component category.
ClassBGLMarkerSymbols Registers or unregisters a class to the BGLMarkerSymbols component category.
ClassBGLPaintingOps Registers or unregisters a class to the BGLPaintingOps component category.
ClassBGLPatterns Registers or unregisters a class to the BGLPatterns component category.
ClassBGLSimpleSymbols Registers or unregisters a class to the BGLSimpleSymbols component category.
ClassBGLStrokeOps Registers or unregisters a class to the BGLStrokeOps component category.
ClassBGLSymbols Registers or unregisters a class to the BGLSymbols component category.
ClassBGLTextSymbols Registers or unregisters a class to the BGLTextSymbols component category.
ClassBorders Registers or unregisters a class to the Borders component category.
ClassBoundaryCoincidenceErrorCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the BoundaryCoincidenceErrorCommands component category.
ClassBoundaryCoverErrorCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the BoundaryCoverErrorCommands component category.
ClassBuildMethods Registers or unregisters a class to the BuildMethods component category.
ClassCadastralEditorPages Registers or unregisters a class to the CadastralEditorPages component category.
ClassCadastralFabricPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the CadastralFabricPropertyPages component category.
ClassCadastralOptionPages Registers or unregisters a class to the CadastralOptionPages component category.
ClassCadastralPlanPages Registers or unregisters a class to the CadastralPlanPages component category.
ClassCadDrawingPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the CadDrawingPropertyPages component category.
ClassCadFeatureClassPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the CadFeatureClassPropertyPages component category.
ClassCadFeaturePropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the CadFeaturePropertyPages component category.
ClassCartoXBasemapLayerAnalyzers Registers or unregisters a class to the CartoXBasemapLayerAnalyzers component category.
ClassCartoXBasemapLayerMapAnalyzers Registers or unregisters a class to the CartoXBasemapLayerMapAnalyzers component category.
ClassCartoXMXDLayerAnalyzers Registers or unregisters a class to the CartoXMXDLayerAnalyzers component category.
ClassCartoXMXDMapAnalyzers Registers or unregisters a class to the CartoXMXDMapAnalyzers component category.
ClassCartoXPublishTargets Registers or unregisters a class to the CartoXPublishTargets component category.
ClassCartoXServerLayerAnalyzers Registers or unregisters a class to the CartoXServerLayerAnalyzers component category.
ClassCartoXServerMapAnalyzers Registers or unregisters a class to the CartoXServerMapAnalyzers component category.
ClassCatReg This class is used internally by the classes in this namespace.
ClassCheckOutPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the CheckOutPropertyPages component category.
ClassClassificationMethods Registers or unregisters a class to the ClassificationMethods component category.
ClassClipboardFormats Registers or unregisters a class to the ClipboardFormats component category.
ClassColorCorrectionPages Registers or unregisters a class to the ColorCorrectionPages component category.
ClassColorPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the ColorPropertyPages component category.
ClassColorRamp Registers or unregisters a class to the ColorRamp component category.
ClassColorRampPropetyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the ColorRampPropetyPages component category.
ClassConstructionToolContextMenuItems Registers or unregisters a class to the ConstructionToolContextMenuItems component category.
ClassContentsViews Registers or unregisters a class to the ContentsViews component category.
ClassContentsWindowPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the ContentsWindowPropertyPages component category.
ClassContextAnalyzers Registers or unregisters a class to the ContextAnalyzers component category.
ClassControlsCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the ControlsCommands component category.
ClassControlsMenus Registers or unregisters a class to the ControlsMenus component category.
ClassControlsPalettes Registers or unregisters a class to the ControlsPalettes component category.
ClassControlsToolbars Registers or unregisters a class to the ControlsToolbars component category.
ClassCoverageFeatureClassPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the CoverageFeatureClassPropertyPages component category.
ClassCoveragePropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the CoveragePropertyPages component category.
ClassCustomCheckOutPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the CustomCheckOutPropertyPages component category.
ClassDatabaseServerPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the DatabaseServerPropertyPages component category.
ClassDataExclusionPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the DataExclusionPropertyPages component category.
ClassDataGraphPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the DataGraphPropertyPages component category.
ClassDataSamplingPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the DataSamplingPropertyPages component category.
ClassDataWindowFactory Registers or unregisters a class to the DataWindowFactory component category.
ClassDDDAnalystOptionsPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the DDDAnalystOptionsPropertyPages component category.
ClassDDDAnimationTypes Registers or unregisters a class to the DDDAnimationTypes component category.
ClassDDEditorExtensions Registers or unregisters a class to the DDEditorExtensions component category.
ClassDDExtensions Registers or unregisters a class to the DDExtensions component category.
ClassDDFeatureConstructionAnnotationTools Registers or unregisters a class to the DDFeatureConstructionAnnotationTools component category.
ClassDDFeatureConstructionCOGOLineTools Registers or unregisters a class to the DDFeatureConstructionCOGOLineTools component category.
ClassDDFeatureConstructionDimensionTools Registers or unregisters a class to the DDFeatureConstructionDimensionTools component category.
ClassDDFeatureConstructionGNLineTools Registers or unregisters a class to the DDFeatureConstructionGNLineTools component category.
ClassDDFeatureConstructionMultipatchTools Registers or unregisters a class to the DDFeatureConstructionMultipatchTools component category.
ClassDDFeatureConstructionMultipointTools Registers or unregisters a class to the DDFeatureConstructionMultipointTools component category.
ClassDDFeatureConstructionPointTools Registers or unregisters a class to the DDFeatureConstructionPointTools component category.
ClassDDFeatureConstructionPolygonTools Registers or unregisters a class to the DDFeatureConstructionPolygonTools component category.
ClassDDFeatureConstructionPolylineTools Registers or unregisters a class to the DDFeatureConstructionPolylineTools component category.
ClassDDFeatureConstructionTurnLineTools Registers or unregisters a class to the DDFeatureConstructionTurnLineTools component category.
ClassDimensionConstructors Registers or unregisters a class to the DimensionConstructors component category.
ClassDynamicText Registers or unregisters a class to the DynamicText component category.
ClassEditorExtensions Registers or unregisters a class to the EditorExtensions component category.
ClassEditorPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the EditorPropertyPages component category.
ClassEditorToolbars Registers or unregisters a class to the EditorToolbars component category.
ClassEditSelectToolContextMenu Registers or unregisters a class to the EditSelectToolContextMenu component category.
ClassEditTasks Registers or unregisters a class to the EditTasks component category.
ClassEditTemplatePropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the EditTemplatePropertyPages component category.
ClassEditToolMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the EditToolMenuCommands component category.
ClassElementPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the ElementPropertyPages component category.
ClassEndpointCoveredByPointErrorCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the EndpointCoveredByPointErrorCommands component category.
ClassEngineDataDialogBrowser Registers or unregisters a class to the EngineDataDialogBrowser component category.
ClassEngineEditTasks Registers or unregisters a class to the EngineEditTasks component category.
ClassEngineExtension Registers or unregisters a class to the EngineExtension component category.
ClassEngineExtensionJIT Registers or unregisters a class to the EngineExtensionJIT component category.
ClassEngineNetworkAnalystWindowItemCategory Registers or unregisters a class to the EngineNetworkAnalystWindowItemCategory component category.
ClassEngineRoutingServiceCategory Registers or unregisters a class to the EngineRoutingServiceCategory component category.
ClassEngineSchematicCreateDiagramDialog Registers or unregisters a class to the EngineSchematicCreateDiagramDialog component category.
ClassEngineSchematicSaveAsDiagramDialog Registers or unregisters a class to the EngineSchematicSaveAsDiagramDialog component category.
ClassEngineSnapAgents Registers or unregisters a class to the EngineSnapAgents component category.
ClassESDAEngineMethods Registers or unregisters a class to the ESDAEngineMethods component category.
ClassESRIDeveloperKitLibraryHandlingExtensions Registers or unregisters a class to the ESRIDeveloperKitLibraryHandlingExtensions component category.
ClassESRIExportPropertyDialogs Registers or unregisters a class to the ESRIExportPropertyDialogs component category.
ClassESRIExportPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the ESRIExportPropertyPages component category.
ClassESRIPrintEnginePropertyDialogs Registers or unregisters a class to the ESRIPrintEnginePropertyDialogs component category.
ClassESRIRasterPrintDrivers Registers or unregisters a class to the ESRIRasterPrintDrivers component category.
ClassESRIRasterPrintDriversPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the ESRIRasterPrintDriversPropertyPages component category.
ClassExporterDrivers Registers or unregisters a class to the ExporterDrivers component category.
ClassExporterPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the ExporterPropertyPages component category.
ClassExports Registers or unregisters a class to the Exports component category.
ClassFeatureClassPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the FeatureClassPropertyPages component category.
ClassFeatureConstructionAnnotationTools Registers or unregisters a class to the FeatureConstructionAnnotationTools component category.
ClassFeatureConstructionCOGOLineTools Registers or unregisters a class to the FeatureConstructionCOGOLineTools component category.
ClassFeatureConstructionDimensionTools Registers or unregisters a class to the FeatureConstructionDimensionTools component category.
ClassFeatureConstructionGNLineTools Registers or unregisters a class to the FeatureConstructionGNLineTools component category.
ClassFeatureConstructionMultipatchTools Registers or unregisters a class to the FeatureConstructionMultipatchTools component category.
ClassFeatureConstructionMultipointTools Registers or unregisters a class to the FeatureConstructionMultipointTools component category.
ClassFeatureConstructionPointTools Registers or unregisters a class to the FeatureConstructionPointTools component category.
ClassFeatureConstructionPolygonTools Registers or unregisters a class to the FeatureConstructionPolygonTools component category.
ClassFeatureConstructionPolylineTools Registers or unregisters a class to the FeatureConstructionPolylineTools component category.
ClassFeatureConstructionTurnLineTools Registers or unregisters a class to the FeatureConstructionTurnLineTools component category.
ClassFeatureDatasetPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the FeatureDatasetPropertyPages component category.
ClassFeatureLargerThanToleranceErrorCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the FeatureLargerThanToleranceErrorCommands component category.
ClassFeatureLayerSymbology Registers or unregisters a class to the FeatureLayerSymbology component category.
ClassFillSymbol Registers or unregisters a class to the FillSymbol component category.
ClassFontMappingPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the FontMappingPropertyPages component category.
ClassFrameElementPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the FrameElementPropertyPages component category.
ClassGAEngineMethods Registers or unregisters a class to the GAEngineMethods component category.
ClassGARenderers Registers or unregisters a class to the GARenderers component category.
ClassGARenderersPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the GARenderersPropertyPages component category.
ClassGeoAnalysis Registers or unregisters a class to the GeoAnalysis component category.
ClassGeodatabaseDistributedPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the GeodatabaseDistributedPropertyPages component category.
ClassGeodatabaseWorkspaceExtensions Registers or unregisters a class to the GeodatabaseWorkspaceExtensions component category.
ClassGeoElementTools Registers or unregisters a class to the GeoElementTools component category.
ClassGeographicCoordSysPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the GeographicCoordSysPropertyPages component category.
ClassGeometricEffect Registers or unregisters a class to the GeometricEffect component category.
ClassGeometricNetworkPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the GeometricNetworkPropertyPages component category.
ClassGeoObjectClassDescriptions Registers or unregisters a class to the GeoObjectClassDescriptions component category.
ClassGeoObjectClassExtensions Registers or unregisters a class to the GeoObjectClassExtensions component category.
ClassGeoObjects Registers or unregisters a class to the GeoObjects component category.
ClassGeoRefSaveAsDlg Registers or unregisters a class to the GeoRefSaveAsDlg component category.
ClassGeostatExtensions Registers or unregisters a class to the GeostatExtensions component category.
ClassGISServersCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GISServersCommands component category.
ClassGlobeAnimationTypes Registers or unregisters a class to the GlobeAnimationTypes component category.
ClassGlobePropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the GlobePropertyPages component category.
ClassGMxBaseLayerPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the GMxBaseLayerPropertyPages component category.
ClassGMxCommandBars Registers or unregisters a class to the GMxCommandBars component category.
ClassGMxCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GMxCommands component category.
ClassGMxContentsViews Registers or unregisters a class to the GMxContentsViews component category.
ClassGMxContextAnalyzers Registers or unregisters a class to the GMxContextAnalyzers component category.
ClassGMxDockableWindows Registers or unregisters a class to the GMxDockableWindows component category.
ClassGMxExtensions Registers or unregisters a class to the GMxExtensions component category.
ClassGMxExtensionsJIT Registers or unregisters a class to the GMxExtensionsJIT component category.
ClassGMxFinders Registers or unregisters a class to the GMxFinders component category.
ClassGMxLayerPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the GMxLayerPropertyPages component category.
ClassGMxOptionsPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the GMxOptionsPropertyPages component category.
ClassGMxPalettes Registers or unregisters a class to the GMxPalettes component category.
ClassGMxPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the GMxPropertyPages component category.
ClassGMxRootObjects Registers or unregisters a class to the GMxRootObjects component category.
ClassGNEditorPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the GNEditorPropertyPages component category.
ClassGPDataTypeFactories Registers or unregisters a class to the GPDataTypeFactories component category.
ClassGPFileTypes Registers or unregisters a class to the GPFileTypes component category.
ClassGPFunctionFactories Registers or unregisters a class to the GPFunctionFactories component category.
ClassGPFunctionFactoriesPrivate Registers or unregisters a class to the GPFunctionFactoriesPrivate component category.
ClassGPToolboxMetadataPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the GPToolboxMetadataPropertyPages component category.
ClassGPToolboxPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the GPToolboxPropertyPages component category.
ClassGPToolExtensionFactories Registers or unregisters a class to the GPToolExtensionFactories component category.
ClassGPToolMetadataPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the GPToolMetadataPropertyPages component category.
ClassGPToolPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the GPToolPropertyPages component category.
ClassGraphicSnapAgents Registers or unregisters a class to the GraphicSnapAgents component category.
ClassGridLabels Registers or unregisters a class to the GridLabels component category.
ClassGxAGSCatalogContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxAGSCatalogContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxAGSFolderContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxAGSFolderContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxAGSGeoDataServerContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxAGSGeoDataServerContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxAGSGeometryContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxAGSGeometryContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxAGSGeoprocessingContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxAGSGeoprocessingContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxAGSGlobeContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxAGSGlobeContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxAGSImageContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxAGSImageContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxAGSLocatorContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxAGSLocatorContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxAGSMapContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxAGSMapContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxAGSMobileContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxAGSMobileContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxAGSMultiSelAdminContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxAGSMultiSelAdminContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxAGSMultiSelContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxAGSMultiSelContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxAGSObjects Registers or unregisters a class to the GxAGSObjects component category.
ClassGxArchivingMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxArchivingMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxArcViewExportFeatureClassFilters Registers or unregisters a class to the GxArcViewExportFeatureClassFilters component category.
ClassGxArcViewExportTableFilters Registers or unregisters a class to the GxArcViewExportTableFilters component category.
ClassGxCadastralFabricContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxCadastralFabricContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxCadDataContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxCadDataContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxCadDrawingContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxCadDrawingContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxCadDrawingExportMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxCadDrawingExportMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxCadFeatureClassContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxCadFeatureClassContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxCadFeatureClassExportMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxCadFeatureClassExportMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxCadFeatureContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxCadFeatureContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxCadFeatureExportMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxCadFeatureExportMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxCatalogContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxCatalogContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxCatalogPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the GxCatalogPropertyPages component category.
ClassGxCommandBars Registers or unregisters a class to the GxCommandBars component category.
ClassGxCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxCommands component category.
ClassGxCoverageContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxCoverageContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxCoverageExportMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxCoverageExportMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxCoverageFeatureClassContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxCoverageFeatureClassContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxCoverageFeatureClassExportMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxCoverageFeatureClassExportMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxCoverageNewMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxCoverageNewMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxDatabaseContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxDatabaseContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxDatabaseExportMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxDatabaseExportMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxDatabaseExtensions Registers or unregisters a class to the GxDatabaseExtensions component category.
ClassGxDatabaseImportMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxDatabaseImportMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxDatabaseNewMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxDatabaseNewMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxDataGraphContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxDataGraphContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxDatasetContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxDatasetContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxDialogObjectFilters Registers or unregisters a class to the GxDialogObjectFilters component category.
ClassGxDiskConnectionContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxDiskConnectionContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxDockableWindows Registers or unregisters a class to the GxDockableWindows component category.
ClassGxEnabledWorkspaceFactories Registers or unregisters a class to the GxEnabledWorkspaceFactories component category.
ClassGxEnterpriseFeatureClassContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxEnterpriseFeatureClassContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxEnterpriseFeatureClassContextMenuCommandsAV Registers or unregisters a class to the GxEnterpriseFeatureClassContextMenuCommandsAV component category.
ClassGxEnterpriseFeatureDatasetContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxEnterpriseFeatureDatasetContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxEnterpriseMosaicDatasetContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxEnterpriseMosaicDatasetContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxEnterpriseRasterBandContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxEnterpriseRasterBandContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxEnterpriseRasterDatasetContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxEnterpriseRasterDatasetContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxEnterpriseRelationshipClassContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxEnterpriseRelationshipClassContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxEnterpriseStandaloneFeatureClassContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxEnterpriseStandaloneFeatureClassContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxEnterpriseStandaloneFeatureClassContextMenuCommandsAV Registers or unregisters a class to the GxEnterpriseStandaloneFeatureClassContextMenuCommandsAV component category.
ClassGxEnterpriseTableContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxEnterpriseTableContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxEnterpriseTableContextMenuCommandsAV Registers or unregisters a class to the GxEnterpriseTableContextMenuCommandsAV component category.
ClassGxEnterpriseToolboxContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxEnterpriseToolboxContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxExportFeatureClassFilters Registers or unregisters a class to the GxExportFeatureClassFilters component category.
ClassGxExportTableFilters Registers or unregisters a class to the GxExportTableFilters component category.
ClassGxExtensions Registers or unregisters a class to the GxExtensions component category.
ClassGxExtensionsJIT Registers or unregisters a class to the GxExtensionsJIT component category.
ClassGxExtensionToolbar Registers or unregisters a class to the GxExtensionToolbar component category.
ClassGxFeatureClassContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxFeatureClassContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxFeatureClassExportMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxFeatureClassExportMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxFeatureDatasetContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxFeatureDatasetContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxFeatureDatasetExportMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxFeatureDatasetExportMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxFeatureDatasetImportMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxFeatureDatasetImportMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxFeatureDatasetNewMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxFeatureDatasetNewMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxFileContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxFileContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxFilterFeatureClasses Registers or unregisters a class to the GxFilterFeatureClasses component category.
ClassGxFilterFeatureDatasets Registers or unregisters a class to the GxFilterFeatureDatasets component category.
ClassGxFilterTables Registers or unregisters a class to the GxFilterTables component category.
ClassGxFolderConnectionsContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxFolderConnectionsContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxFolderContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxFolderContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxFolderNewMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxFolderNewMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxFolderNewMenuCommandsAV Registers or unregisters a class to the GxFolderNewMenuCommandsAV component category.
ClassGxGeometricNetworkContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxGeometricNetworkContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxGlobeContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxGlobeContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxGlobePropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the GxGlobePropertyPages component category.
ClassGxGridContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxGridContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxInfoTableContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxInfoTableContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxInfoTableExportMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxInfoTableExportMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxInfoTableToFeatureClassMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxInfoTableToFeatureClassMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxISCDefContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxISCDefContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxLayerContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxLayerContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxLayerFilters Registers or unregisters a class to the GxLayerFilters component category.
ClassGxLocatorContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxLocatorContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxLocatorFolderContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxLocatorFolderContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxLocatorMenus Registers or unregisters a class to the GxLocatorMenus component category.
ClassGxMapContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxMapContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxMapPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the GxMapPropertyPages component category.
ClassGxMetadataExporter Registers or unregisters a class to the GxMetadataExporter component category.
ClassGxMetadataImporter Registers or unregisters a class to the GxMetadataImporter component category.
ClassGxMosaicDatasetContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxMosaicDatasetContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxMSDFileContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxMSDFileContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxMSDFilePropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the GxMSDFilePropertyPages component category.
ClassGxMultipleSelectionContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxMultipleSelectionContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxMultipleSelectionExportMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxMultipleSelectionExportMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxNetworkDatasetContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxNetworkDatasetContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxObjectFactory Registers or unregisters a class to the GxObjectFactory component category.
ClassGxObjectFilters Registers or unregisters a class to the GxObjectFilters component category.
ClassGxOleDBDatabaseContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxOleDBDatabaseContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxOleDBTableContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxOleDBTableContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxPackageContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxPackageContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxPalettes Registers or unregisters a class to the GxPalettes component category.
ClassGxPCCoverageContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxPCCoverageContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxPCCoverageFeatureClassContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxPCCoverageFeatureClassContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxPMFMapContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxPMFMapContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxPMFMapPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the GxPMFMapPropertyPages component category.
ClassGxPre70CoverageContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxPre70CoverageContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxPreviews Registers or unregisters a class to the GxPreviews component category.
ClassGxPrjFileContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxPrjFileContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxRasterBandContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxRasterBandContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxRasterCatalogContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxRasterCatalogContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxRasterCatalogFilters Registers or unregisters a class to the GxRasterCatalogFilters component category.
ClassGxRasterCatalogItemContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxRasterCatalogItemContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxRasterCatalogViews Registers or unregisters a class to the GxRasterCatalogViews component category.
ClassGxRasterDatasetContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxRasterDatasetContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxReadOnlyFeatureClassContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxReadOnlyFeatureClassContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxReadOnlyFeatureDatasetContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxReadOnlyFeatureDatasetContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxReadOnlyNetworkContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxReadOnlyNetworkContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxReadOnlyStandaloneFeatureClassContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxReadOnlyStandaloneFeatureClassContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxReadOnlyTableContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxReadOnlyTableContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxRelationshipClassContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxRelationshipClassContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxRemoteDatabaseContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxRemoteDatabaseContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxRemoteDatabaseFolderContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxRemoteDatabaseFolderContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxRootObjects Registers or unregisters a class to the GxRootObjects component category.
ClassGxSceneContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxSceneContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxScenePropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the GxScenePropertyPages component category.
ClassGxSchematicDatasetContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxSchematicDatasetContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxSchematicDatasetExportMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxSchematicDatasetExportMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxSchematicDatasetNewMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxSchematicDatasetNewMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxSchematicDiagramContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxSchematicDiagramContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxSchematicDiagramExportMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxSchematicDiagramExportMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxSchematicFolderContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxSchematicFolderContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxSchematicFolderNewMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxSchematicFolderNewMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxSDCFeatureClassExportMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxSDCFeatureClassExportMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxSDCTableExportMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxSDCTableExportMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxSearchEngines Registers or unregisters a class to the GxSearchEngines component category.
ClassGxShapefileFeatureClassContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxShapefileFeatureClassContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxShapefileFeatureClassExportMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxShapefileFeatureClassExportMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxShapefileTableContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxShapefileTableContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxShapefileTableExportMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxShapefileTableExportMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxShapefileTableToFeatureClassMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxShapefileTableToFeatureClassMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxShortcutContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxShortcutContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxSpatialReferencesFolderContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxSpatialReferencesFolderContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxSpatialReferencesFolderNewMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxSpatialReferencesFolderNewMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxStandaloneFeatureClassContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxStandaloneFeatureClassContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxStreetMapFeatureClassContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxStreetMapFeatureClassContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxStreetMapFeatureClassExportMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxStreetMapFeatureClassExportMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxStreetMapFeatureClassPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the GxStreetMapFeatureClassPropertyPages component category.
ClassGxTableAttachmentsMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxTableAttachmentsMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxTableContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxTableContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxTableExportMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxTableExportMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxTableToFeatureClassMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxTableToFeatureClassMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxTabViews Registers or unregisters a class to the GxTabViews component category.
ClassGxTerrainContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxTerrainContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxTinContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxTinContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxToolboxAddMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxToolboxAddMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxToolboxContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxToolboxContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxToolboxesFolderContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxToolboxesFolderContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxToolboxesFolderNewMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxToolboxesFolderNewMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxToolboxNewMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxToolboxNewMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxToolContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxToolContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxToolsetAddMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxToolsetAddMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxToolsetContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxToolsetContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxToolsetNewMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxToolsetNewMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxTopologyContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxTopologyContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxViews Registers or unregisters a class to the GxViews component category.
ClassGxVpfCoverageContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxVpfCoverageContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxVpfCoverageExportMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxVpfCoverageExportMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxVpfCoveragePropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the GxVpfCoveragePropertyPages component category.
ClassGxVpfFeatureClassContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxVpfFeatureClassContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxVpfFeatureClassExportMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxVpfFeatureClassExportMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxVpfFeatureClassPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the GxVpfFeatureClassPropertyPages component category.
ClassGxVpfTableContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxVpfTableContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxVpfTableExportMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxVpfTableExportMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxVpfTablePropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the GxVpfTablePropertyPages component category.
ClassGxWCSCoveragePropertiesPage Registers or unregisters a class to the GxWCSCoveragePropertiesPage component category.
ClassGxWMSLayerPropertiesPage Registers or unregisters a class to the GxWMSLayerPropertiesPage component category.
ClassGxWMSMapPropertiesPage Registers or unregisters a class to the GxWMSMapPropertiesPage component category.
ClassGxWorkspaceDatabaseContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxWorkspaceDatabaseContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxXMLDocumentContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxXMLDocumentContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassHelpMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the HelpMenuCommands component category.
ClassHotLinkExpressionParsers Registers or unregisters a class to the HotLinkExpressionParsers component category.
ClassIdentifyObj Registers or unregisters a class to the IdentifyObj component category.
ClassImageSettingsPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the ImageSettingsPropertyPages component category.
ClassIMSMetadataServicePropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the IMSMetadataServicePropertyPages component category.
ClassInfoTablePropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the InfoTablePropertyPages component category.
ClassJobManagerContextMenu Registers or unregisters a class to the JobManagerContextMenu component category.
ClassLabelStylePages Registers or unregisters a class to the LabelStylePages component category.
ClassLabelStyleSelectors Registers or unregisters a class to the LabelStyleSelectors component category.
ClassLayerDrawingDescriptionFactory Registers or unregisters a class to the LayerDrawingDescriptionFactory component category.
ClassLayerFactory Registers or unregisters a class to the LayerFactory component category.
ClassLayerLabelsPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the LayerLabelsPropertyPages component category.
ClassLayerPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the LayerPropertyPages component category.
ClassLayerPropertySheet Registers or unregisters a class to the LayerPropertySheet component category.
ClassLegendItemPropSheets Registers or unregisters a class to the LegendItemPropSheets component category.
ClassLegendItems Registers or unregisters a class to the LegendItems component category.
ClassLegendSymbolEditors Registers or unregisters a class to the LegendSymbolEditors component category.
ClassLineCoveredByLineClassErrorCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the LineCoveredByLineClassErrorCommands component category.
ClassLineDangleErrorCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the LineDangleErrorCommands component category.
ClassLineDecorationElement Registers or unregisters a class to the LineDecorationElement component category.
ClassLineInsideAreaErrorCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the LineInsideAreaErrorCommands component category.
ClassLineIntersectionErrorCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the LineIntersectionErrorCommands component category.
ClassLineIntersectionInteriorTouchErrorCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the LineIntersectionInteriorTouchErrorCommands component category.
ClassLineMultipartErrorCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the LineMultipartErrorCommands component category.
ClassLineOverlapErrorCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the LineOverlapErrorCommands component category.
ClassLinePatches Registers or unregisters a class to the LinePatches component category.
ClassLinePseudoErrorCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the LinePseudoErrorCommands component category.
ClassLineSelfIntersectErrorCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the LineSelfIntersectErrorCommands component category.
ClassLineSelfOverlapErrorCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the LineSelfOverlapErrorCommands component category.
ClassLineStringToolContextMenu Registers or unregisters a class to the LineStringToolContextMenu component category.
ClassLineSymbol Registers or unregisters a class to the LineSymbol component category.
ClassLocatorWorkspaces Registers or unregisters a class to the LocatorWorkspaces component category.
ClassMapAnimationTypes Registers or unregisters a class to the MapAnimationTypes component category.
ClassMapDocumentPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the MapDocumentPropertyPages component category.
ClassMapGridBorders Registers or unregisters a class to the MapGridBorders component category.
ClassMapGridFactory Registers or unregisters a class to the MapGridFactory component category.
ClassMapGridPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the MapGridPropertyPages component category.
ClassMaplexAnnotationPlacementPages Registers or unregisters a class to the MaplexAnnotationPlacementPages component category.
ClassMaplexLabelStylePages Registers or unregisters a class to the MaplexLabelStylePages component category.
ClassMapPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the MapPropertyPages component category.
ClassMapScalePropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the MapScalePropertyPages component category.
ClassMarkerPlacement Registers or unregisters a class to the MarkerPlacement component category.
ClassMarkerSymbol Registers or unregisters a class to the MarkerSymbol component category.
ClassMBDerivedGeoDatasetProp Registers or unregisters a class to the MBDerivedGeoDatasetProp component category.
ClassMBGeoDatasetProp Registers or unregisters a class to the MBGeoDatasetProp component category.
ClassMBGeoOperationProp Registers or unregisters a class to the MBGeoOperationProp component category.
ClassMBLayerProp Registers or unregisters a class to the MBLayerProp component category.
ClassMBMethodProp Registers or unregisters a class to the MBMethodProp component category.
ClassMBProcessProp Registers or unregisters a class to the MBProcessProp component category.
ClassMBTableProp Registers or unregisters a class to the MBTableProp component category.
ClassMdDiagramPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the MdDiagramPropertyPages component category.
ClassMdElementMetadataPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the MdElementMetadataPropertyPages component category.
ClassMdElementPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the MdElementPropertyPages component category.
ClassMdProcessPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the MdProcessPropertyPages component category.
ClassMetadataEditor Registers or unregisters a class to the MetadataEditor component category.
ClassMetadataEditorPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the MetadataEditorPropertyPages component category.
ClassMetadataSynchronizers Registers or unregisters a class to the MetadataSynchronizers component category.
ClassModelScriptConverters Registers or unregisters a class to the ModelScriptConverters component category.
ClassMosaicDatasetExportMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the MosaicDatasetExportMenuCommands component category.
ClassMosaicLayerPreviewPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the MosaicLayerPreviewPropertyPages component category.
ClassMultiGenReplicaPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the MultiGenReplicaPropertyPages component category.
ClassMxCommandBars Registers or unregisters a class to the MxCommandBars component category.
ClassMxCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the MxCommands component category.
ClassMxDDECommandHandler Registers or unregisters a class to the MxDDECommandHandler component category.
ClassMxDockableWindows Registers or unregisters a class to the MxDockableWindows component category.
ClassMxDocumentDropTarget Registers or unregisters a class to the MxDocumentDropTarget component category.
ClassMxExtension Registers or unregisters a class to the MxExtension component category.
ClassMxExtensionJIT Registers or unregisters a class to the MxExtensionJIT component category.
ClassMxFileMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the MxFileMenuCommands component category.
ClassMxFileMenuDefs Registers or unregisters a class to the MxFileMenuDefs component category.
ClassMxFinders Registers or unregisters a class to the MxFinders component category.
ClassMxInsetWindowPages Registers or unregisters a class to the MxInsetWindowPages component category.
ClassMxPalettes Registers or unregisters a class to the MxPalettes component category.
ClassMxToolMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the MxToolMenuCommands component category.
ClassMxViewCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the MxViewCommands component category.
ClassNameStringParser Registers or unregisters a class to the NameStringParser component category.
ClassNativeTypes Registers or unregisters a class to the NativeTypes component category.
ClassNavigate3DInputDevices Registers or unregisters a class to the Navigate3DInputDevices component category.
ClassNetworkAnalystAgent Registers or unregisters a class to the NetworkAnalystAgent component category.
ClassNetworkAnalystFinders Registers or unregisters a class to the NetworkAnalystFinders component category.
ClassNetworkAnalystLocationOptionsPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the NetworkAnalystLocationOptionsPropertyPages component category.
ClassNetworkAnalystOptionsPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the NetworkAnalystOptionsPropertyPages component category.
ClassNetworkAnalystSolver Registers or unregisters a class to the NetworkAnalystSolver component category.
ClassNetworkAnalystSymbolizer Registers or unregisters a class to the NetworkAnalystSymbolizer component category.
ClassNetworkAnalystWindowCategoryCommand Registers or unregisters a class to the NetworkAnalystWindowCategoryCommand component category.
ClassNetworkAnalystWindowItemCategory Registers or unregisters a class to the NetworkAnalystWindowItemCategory component category.
ClassNetworkAnalystWindowItemsCommand Registers or unregisters a class to the NetworkAnalystWindowItemsCommand component category.
ClassNetworkDirectionsPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the NetworkDirectionsPropertyPages component category.
ClassNetworkEvaluatorEditor Registers or unregisters a class to the NetworkEvaluatorEditor component category.
ClassNetworkLayerSymbology Registers or unregisters a class to the NetworkLayerSymbology component category.
ClassNetworkRendererPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the NetworkRendererPropertyPages component category.
ClassNotMaskableLayers Registers or unregisters a class to the NotMaskableLayers component category.
ClassNumberFormatPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the NumberFormatPropertyPages component category.
ClassOptimizerComponentFactory Registers or unregisters a class to the OptimizerComponentFactory component category.
ClassOptionsPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the OptionsPropertyPages component category.
ClassOverposterPropertiesPages Registers or unregisters a class to the OverposterPropertiesPages component category.
ClassOverposters Registers or unregisters a class to the Overposters component category.
ClassPageIndexPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the PageIndexPropertyPages component category.
ClassParcelContextMenu Registers or unregisters a class to the ParcelContextMenu component category.
ClassParcelExplorerContextMenu Registers or unregisters a class to the ParcelExplorerContextMenu component category.
ClassParcelLinesContextMenu Registers or unregisters a class to the ParcelLinesContextMenu component category.
ClassPictures Registers or unregisters a class to the Pictures component category.
ClassPlanContextMenu Registers or unregisters a class to the PlanContextMenu component category.
ClassPlugInWorkspaceFactoryHelpers Registers or unregisters a class to the PlugInWorkspaceFactoryHelpers component category.
ClassPointCoincideErrorCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the PointCoincideErrorCommands component category.
ClassPointCoveredByAreaBoundaryErrorCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the PointCoveredByAreaBoundaryErrorCommands component category.
ClassPointCoveredByEndpointErrorCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the PointCoveredByEndpointErrorCommands component category.
ClassPointCoveredByLineErrorCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the PointCoveredByLineErrorCommands component category.
ClassPointDisjointErrorCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the PointDisjointErrorCommands component category.
ClassPointInsideAreaErrorCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the PointInsideAreaErrorCommands component category.
ClassPre70CoveragePropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the Pre70CoveragePropertyPages component category.
ClassPrinterDrivers Registers or unregisters a class to the PrinterDrivers component category.
ClassPrinterPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the PrinterPropertyPages component category.
ClassProjectedCoordSysPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the ProjectedCoordSysPropertyPages component category.
ClassPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the PropertyPages component category.
ClassRasterAnalysis Registers or unregisters a class to the RasterAnalysis component category.
ClassRasterBandPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the RasterBandPropertyPages component category.
ClassRasterCatalogExportMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the RasterCatalogExportMenuCommands component category.
ClassRasterCatalogLoadMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the RasterCatalogLoadMenuCommands component category.
ClassRasterCatalogRendererPickers Registers or unregisters a class to the RasterCatalogRendererPickers component category.
ClassRasterCatalogRenderersPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the RasterCatalogRenderersPropertyPages component category.
ClassRasterConversionOp Registers or unregisters a class to the RasterConversionOp component category.
ClassRasterDataExclusionPropSheet Registers or unregisters a class to the RasterDataExclusionPropSheet component category.
ClassRasterDatasetLoadMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the RasterDatasetLoadMenuCommands component category.
ClassRasterDatasetPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the RasterDatasetPropertyPages component category.
ClassRasterExportMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the RasterExportMenuCommands component category.
ClassRasterFunctionPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the RasterFunctionPropertyPages component category.
ClassRasterFunctions Registers or unregisters a class to the RasterFunctions component category.
ClassRasterGxExportFilters Registers or unregisters a class to the RasterGxExportFilters component category.
ClassRasterLayerDataMenuItems Registers or unregisters a class to the RasterLayerDataMenuItems component category.
ClassRasterLayerPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the RasterLayerPropertyPages component category.
ClassRasterRendererMakers Registers or unregisters a class to the RasterRendererMakers component category.
ClassRasterRenderers Registers or unregisters a class to the RasterRenderers component category.
ClassRasterSnappingPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the RasterSnappingPropertyPages component category.
ClassRasterStatEnvDialog Registers or unregisters a class to the RasterStatEnvDialog component category.
ClassRasterTransformationOp Registers or unregisters a class to the RasterTransformationOp component category.
ClassRasterTypePropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the RasterTypePropertyPages component category.
ClassRelationshipClassPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the RelationshipClassPropertyPages component category.
ClassRendererPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the RendererPropertyPages component category.
ClassRepresentationClassPropertyPage Registers or unregisters a class to the RepresentationClassPropertyPage component category.
ClassSAOperation Registers or unregisters a class to the SAOperation component category.
ClassScaleBars Registers or unregisters a class to the ScaleBars component category.
ClassSceneExporter3dDrivers Registers or unregisters a class to the SceneExporter3dDrivers component category.
ClassSceneExporter3dPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the SceneExporter3dPropertyPages component category.
ClassSceneExporterVideoDrivers Registers or unregisters a class to the SceneExporterVideoDrivers component category.
ClassSceneExporterVideoPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the SceneExporterVideoPropertyPages component category.
ClassScenePropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the ScenePropertyPages component category.
ClassSchematicAlgorithmPages Registers or unregisters a class to the SchematicAlgorithmPages component category.
ClassSchematicAlgorithms Registers or unregisters a class to the SchematicAlgorithms component category.
ClassSchematicAnalystPages Registers or unregisters a class to the SchematicAnalystPages component category.
ClassSchematicAnalysts Registers or unregisters a class to the SchematicAnalysts component category.
ClassSchematicBuilderEngine Registers or unregisters a class to the SchematicBuilderEngine component category.
ClassSchematicBuilderPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the SchematicBuilderPropertyPages component category.
ClassSchematicBuilders Registers or unregisters a class to the SchematicBuilders component category.
ClassSchematicBuilderUI Registers or unregisters a class to the SchematicBuilderUI component category.
ClassSchematicCreateDiagramDialog Registers or unregisters a class to the SchematicCreateDiagramDialog component category.
ClassSchematicDatasetPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the SchematicDatasetPropertyPages component category.
ClassSchematicDiagramPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the SchematicDiagramPropertyPages component category.
ClassSchematicEditingOptionsPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the SchematicEditingOptionsPropertyPages component category.
ClassSchematicFolderPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the SchematicFolderPropertyPages component category.
ClassSchematicOptionsPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the SchematicOptionsPropertyPages component category.
ClassSchematicRelationManagers Registers or unregisters a class to the SchematicRelationManagers component category.
ClassSchematicRulePropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the SchematicRulePropertyPages component category.
ClassSchematicRules Registers or unregisters a class to the SchematicRules component category.
ClassSchematicRulesExtendedCriteria Registers or unregisters a class to the SchematicRulesExtendedCriteria component category.
ClassSchematicToolsEdit Registers or unregisters a class to the SchematicToolsEdit component category.
ClassSearchResultsContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the SearchResultsContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassServerObjectDescriptions Registers or unregisters a class to the ServerObjectDescriptions component category.
ClassShadows Registers or unregisters a class to the Shadows component category.
ClassShapeConstructorCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the ShapeConstructorCommands component category.
ClassShapefileFeatureClassPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the ShapefileFeatureClassPropertyPages component category.
ClassShapefileTablePropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the ShapefileTablePropertyPages component category.
ClassSketchMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the SketchMenuCommands component category.
ClassSketchToolMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the SketchToolMenuCommands component category.
ClassSketchToolPaletteCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the SketchToolPaletteCommands component category.
ClassSMFinders Registers or unregisters a class to the SMFinders component category.
ClassSnapAgents Registers or unregisters a class to the SnapAgents component category.
ClassStandaloneTablePropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the StandaloneTablePropertyPages component category.
ClassStyleGalleryClasses Registers or unregisters a class to the StyleGalleryClasses component category.
ClassStyleImporter Registers or unregisters a class to the StyleImporter component category.
ClassStylePropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the StylePropertyPages component category.
ClassSxCommandBars Registers or unregisters a class to the SxCommandBars component category.
ClassSxCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the SxCommands component category.
ClassSxContentsViews Registers or unregisters a class to the SxContentsViews component category.
ClassSxContextAnalyzers Registers or unregisters a class to the SxContextAnalyzers component category.
ClassSxDockableWindows Registers or unregisters a class to the SxDockableWindows component category.
ClassSxExtensions Registers or unregisters a class to the SxExtensions component category.
ClassSxExtensionsJIT Registers or unregisters a class to the SxExtensionsJIT component category.
ClassSxFinders Registers or unregisters a class to the SxFinders component category.
ClassSxGraphicPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the SxGraphicPropertyPages component category.
ClassSxImport3DFile Registers or unregisters a class to the SxImport3DFile component category.
ClassSxLayerPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the SxLayerPropertyPages component category.
ClassSxOptionsPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the SxOptionsPropertyPages component category.
ClassSxPalettes Registers or unregisters a class to the SxPalettes component category.
ClassSxPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the SxPropertyPages component category.
ClassSxRootObjects Registers or unregisters a class to the SxRootObjects component category.
ClassSymbolPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the SymbolPropertyPages component category.
ClassTableFactory Registers or unregisters a class to the TableFactory component category.
ClassTablePropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the TablePropertyPages component category.
ClassTableWindowPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the TableWindowPropertyPages component category.
ClassTerrainPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the TerrainPropertyPages component category.
ClassTerrainRendererPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the TerrainRendererPropertyPages component category.
ClassTextBackground Registers or unregisters a class to the TextBackground component category.
ClassTextBackgroundPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the TextBackgroundPropertyPages component category.
ClassTextFilePropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the TextFilePropertyPages component category.
ClassTextSymbol Registers or unregisters a class to the TextSymbol component category.
ClassTinDatasetPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the TinDatasetPropertyPages component category.
ClassTinRendererPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the TinRendererPropertyPages component category.
ClassTopologyPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the TopologyPropertyPages component category.
ClassTraceTasks Registers or unregisters a class to the TraceTasks component category.
ClassTrainingMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the TrainingMenuCommands component category.
ClassTransformationMethods Registers or unregisters a class to the TransformationMethods component category.
ClassUtilityNetworkAnalysisGNPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the UtilityNetworkAnalysisGNPropertyPages component category.
ClassUtilityNetworkAnalysisPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the UtilityNetworkAnalysisPropertyPages component category.
ClassUtilityNetworkTasks Registers or unregisters a class to the UtilityNetworkTasks component category.
ClassVectorizationPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the VectorizationPropertyPages component category.
ClassVersionPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the VersionPropertyPages component category.
ClassVerticalCoordSysPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the VerticalCoordSysPropertyPages component category.
ClassVideoExporterPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the VideoExporterPropertyPages component category.
ClassWCSConnectionContextMenu Registers or unregisters a class to the WCSConnectionContextMenu component category.
ClassWCSConnectionPropertiesPage Registers or unregisters a class to the WCSConnectionPropertiesPage component category.
ClassWCSCoverageContextMenu Registers or unregisters a class to the WCSCoverageContextMenu component category.
ClassWCSDisconnectedConnectionPropertiesPage Registers or unregisters a class to the WCSDisconnectedConnectionPropertiesPage component category.
ClassWMSConnectionContextMenu Registers or unregisters a class to the WMSConnectionContextMenu component category.
ClassWMSConnectionPropertiesPage Registers or unregisters a class to the WMSConnectionPropertiesPage component category.
ClassWMSMapContextMenu Registers or unregisters a class to the WMSMapContextMenu component category.
ClassWorkspaceDatasetExtensions Registers or unregisters a class to the WorkspaceDatasetExtensions component category.
ClassWorkspaceDomainsPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the WorkspaceDomainsPropertyPages component category.
ClassWorkspaceFactory Registers or unregisters a class to the WorkspaceFactory component category.
ClassWorkspacePropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the WorkspacePropertyPages component category.

See Also

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