ESRI.ArcGIS.ADF Namespace
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This namespace contains a number of helper classes including functions for COM object management, and for converting ESRI types into .NET Color classes.


ClassComReleaser A Base object to assist devloping against COM objects that require a deterministic release pattern.
ClassConverter Converts a ArcGIS COM data types to .NET data types and vice versa.
ClassIdentity An identity object to hold a user, password, and domain
ClassIISHelper This is a utility class that contains a collection of function to interact with Internet Information Server, for example, to create and remove web applications.
ClassIIsVirtualDirectoryInfo Contains information about a virtual directory in IIS
ClassIIsWebsiteInfo Holds information about websites
ClassImpersonation Application Developer Framework for .NET Impersonation web control.
ClassImpersonationException An Exception that describes the error that occurs during impersonation
ClassProjectionEngineCodeRanges The class supports the .NET ADF infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
ClassProxyServerConfiguration Encapsulates a Proxy Server Configuration
ClassRangeValidator The class supports the .NET ADF infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
ClassStringCollection Summary description for StringCollection.
ClassThreadSafeCollection ThreadSafeCollection is a base class for all collections.
ClassUtility The class supports the .NET ADF infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
ClassWebProxy Implementation of IWebProxy
ClassXmlHelper The class supports the .NET ADF infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.


DelegateXmlHelper.Save delegates - more complex save operations can do it themselves...


EnumerationImpersonation.LogonSessionType The type of login to perform
EnumerationLoadType The class supports the .NET ADF infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.

See Also

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