Locate coordinates in a MapControl
// Copyright 2010 ESRI
// All rights reserved under the copyright laws of the United States
// and applicable international laws, treaties, and conventions.
// You may freely redistribute and use this sample code, with or
// without modification, provided you include the original copyright
// notice and use restrictions.
// See the use restrictions.

#include "MapControlEvents.h"

void MapControlEvents::OnAfterDraw(VARIANT display, long viewDrawPhase)

void MapControlEvents::OnAfterScreenDraw(long hdc)

void MapControlEvents::OnBeforeScreenDraw(long hdc)

void MapControlEvents::OnDoubleClick(long button, long shift, long x,
                                     long y, double mapX, double mapY)

void MapControlEvents::OnExtentUpdated(VARIANT displayTransformation,
                                       VARIANT_BOOL sizeChanged,
                                       VARIANT newEnvelope)

void MapControlEvents::OnFullExtentUpdated(VARIANT displayTransformation,
                                           VARIANT newEnvelope)

void MapControlEvents::OnKeyDown(long keyCode, long shift)

void MapControlEvents::OnKeyUp(long keyCode, long shift)

void MapControlEvents::OnMapReplaced(VARIANT newMap)

void MapControlEvents::OnMouseDown(long button, long shift, long x, long y,
                                   double mapX,double mapY)

void MapControlEvents::OnMouseMove(long button, long shift, long x, long y,
                                   double mapX, double mapY)

void MapControlEvents::OnMouseUp(long button, long shift, long x, long y,
                                 double mapX, double mapY)
    ConvertCoords(mapX, mapY);
    DrawPoint(mapX, mapY);

void MapControlEvents::OnOleDrop(esriControlsDropAction dropAction,
                                 VARIANT dataObjectHelper, long* effect,
                                 long button, long shift, long x, long y)

void MapControlEvents::OnSelectionChanged()

void MapControlEvents::OnViewRefreshed(VARIANT ActiveView, long viewDrawPhase,
                                       VARIANT layerOrElement,
                                       VARIANT envelope)

void MapControlEvents::DrawPoint(double mapX, double mapY)
    IMapPtr ipMap1;
    IGraphicsLayerPtr ipGraphics;
    IGraphicsContainerPtr ipGContainer = ipGraphics;
    IPointPtr ipPoint(CLSID_Point);
    ipPoint->PutCoords(mapX, mapY);
    IRgbColorPtr ipRgb(CLSID_RgbColor);
    IMarkerSymbolPtr ipMarker(CLSID_SimpleMarkerSymbol);
    IElementPtr ipElement(CLSID_MarkerElement);
    ipGContainer->AddElement(ipElement, 0);

void MapControlEvents::ConvertCoords(double mapX, double mapY)

     HRESULT hr;

    //Create ICoordinateTool
    ICoordinateToolPtr ipCoordTool(CLSID_CoordinateTool);

     Set the parameters to be used in the conversion.
     The parameters are as follows:
     vValue: The input coordinates
     iFormat: The format of the input coordinates, where 1 = IPoint (decimal degrees)
                            2 = DMS
                            3 = UTM
                            4 = MGRS
     vFromDatum: The datum of the input coordinates
     vToDatum: The datum of the output coordinates
     pWGSPoint: The output point with x/y coordinates in WGS1984 datum
     pOutPoint: The output point with x/y coordinates in the output datum
     sDMS: The output DMS coordinates
     sUTM: The output UTM coordinates
     sMGRS: The output MGRS coordinates

    CComVariant vValue;
    CComVariant vFrom(0);  //"WGS 1984 (WGS84)"
    CComVariant vTo(0);    //"WGS 1984 (WGS84)"
    int iFormat = 1;
    CComBSTR bstrDMS, bstrUTM, bstrMGRS;

    //input point
    IPointPtr ipPoint(CLSID_Point);
    ipPoint->PutCoords(mapX, mapY);
    IPoint * pPoint = ipPoint;
    //vValue = (IPoint*)pPoint;
    vValue = pPoint;

    //output points
    IPointPtr ipWGS84Point(CLSID_Point);
    IPointPtr ipDatumPoint(CLSID_Point);

    hr = ipCoordTool->ConvertLocation(vValue, iFormat, vFrom, vTo, &ipWGS84Point, &ipDatumPoint, &bstrDMS, &bstrUTM, &bstrMGRS);
        //get x/y values from the point
        double xx, yy;
        ipDatumPoint->QueryCoords(&xx, &yy);
        DisplayResult(xx, yy, bstrDMS, bstrUTM, bstrMGRS);


void MapControlEvents::DisplayResult(double x, double y, CComBSTR dms, CComBSTR utm, CComBSTR mgrs)
    char xbuffer[20];
    char ybuffer[20];
    sprintf(xbuffer, "%f", x);
    sprintf(ybuffer, "%f", y);
    char* c1 = OLE2A(dms);
    char* c2 = OLE2A(utm);
    char* c3 = OLE2A(mgrs);

    foreach (QWidget *widget, QApplication::allWidgets())
        QString name = widget->objectName();
        if(name == "XObj")

            QLineEdit *lineEdit = static_cast<QLineEdit*> (widget);
        else if (name == "YObj")
            QLineEdit *lineEdit = static_cast<QLineEdit*> (widget);
        else if (name == "DMSObj")
            QLineEdit *lineEdit = static_cast<QLineEdit*> (widget);
        else if (name == "UTMObj")
            QLineEdit *lineEdit = static_cast<QLineEdit*> (widget);
        else if (name == "MGRSObj")
            QLineEdit *lineEdit = static_cast<QLineEdit*> (widget);
