// Copyright 2010 ESRI // // All rights reserved under the copyright laws of the United States // and applicable international laws, treaties, and conventions. // // You may freely redistribute and use this sample code, with or // without modification, provided you include the original copyright // notice and use restrictions. // // See the use restrictions. // #include "DisplayFieldInfo.h" HRESULT DisplayFieldInfo(IFeatureClass* pFeatureClass) { if (pFeatureClass == 0) return E_POINTER; // Name CComBSTR bsName; ((IDatasetPtr) pFeatureClass)->get_Name(&bsName); std::wcerr << L"Dataset Name : " << (BSTR) bsName << std::endl; // Alias Name ((IObjectClassPtr) pFeatureClass)->get_AliasName(&bsName); std::wcerr << L"Alias Name : " << (BSTR) bsName << std::endl; // Feature Class Type // In this section, the implementation of the code is shown with the raw // type (BSTR), as opposed to the smart pointer type (CComBSTR), in order // to show the AoAllocBSTR() and AoFreeBSTR() C++ API calls. However, // as shown in a later section similar to this one, you could instead // use a CComBSTR for the string representation of the feature type. BSTR bsFeatureType; esriFeatureType featType; pFeatureClass->get_FeatureType(&featType); switch (featType) { case esriFTSimple : bsFeatureType = ::AoAllocBSTR(L"Simple"); break; case esriFTSimpleJunction: bsFeatureType = ::AoAllocBSTR(L"Simple Junction"); break; case esriFTSimpleEdge: bsFeatureType = ::AoAllocBSTR(L"Simple Edge"); break; case esriFTComplexJunction: bsFeatureType = ::AoAllocBSTR(L"Complex Junction"); break; case esriFTComplexEdge: bsFeatureType = ::AoAllocBSTR(L"Complex Edge"); break; case esriFTAnnotation: bsFeatureType = ::AoAllocBSTR(L"Annotation"); break; case esriFTCoverageAnnotation: bsFeatureType = ::AoAllocBSTR(L"Coverage Annotation"); break; case esriFTDimension: bsFeatureType = ::AoAllocBSTR(L"Dimension"); break; default: bsFeatureType = ::AoAllocBSTR(L"Not Supported"); } std::wcerr << L"Feature Type : " << (BSTR) bsFeatureType << std::endl; ::AoFreeBSTR(bsFeatureType); // Display the Geometry Type CComBSTR bsShapeFieldName; pFeatureClass->get_ShapeFieldName(&bsShapeFieldName); long lngIndex; pFeatureClass->FindField(bsShapeFieldName, &lngIndex); // return S_FALSE since there were no errors, but we were not completely // sucessfull. if (lngIndex == -1) return S_FALSE; IFieldsPtr ipFields; pFeatureClass->get_Fields(&ipFields); IFieldPtr ipField; ipFields->get_Field(lngIndex, &ipField); IGeometryDefPtr ipGeomDef; ipField->get_GeometryDef(&ipGeomDef); CComBSTR bsGeomType; esriGeometryType geomType; ipGeomDef->get_GeometryType(&geomType); switch (geomType) { case esriGeometryPoint: bsGeomType = L"Point"; break; case esriGeometryMultipoint: bsGeomType = L"Multipoint"; break; case esriGeometryPolyline: bsGeomType = L"Polyline"; break; case esriGeometryPolygon: bsGeomType = L"Polygon"; break; case esriGeometryMultiPatch: bsGeomType = L"MultiPatch"; break; default: bsGeomType = L"Not Supported"; } std::wcerr << L"Geometry Type : " << (BSTR) bsGeomType << std::endl; // Now diplay information about the fields DisplayFields(pFeatureClass); return S_OK; } HRESULT DisplayFields(IFeatureClass* pFeatureClass) { if (pFeatureClass == 0) return E_POINTER; IFieldsPtr ipFields; pFeatureClass->get_Fields(&ipFields); long lngFieldCount; ipFields->get_FieldCount(&lngFieldCount); IFieldPtr ipField; for (long i = 0; i < lngFieldCount; ++i) { if (FAILED(ipFields->get_Field(i, &ipField))) continue; DisplayFieldInformation(ipField); } return S_OK; } HRESULT DisplayFieldInformation(IField* pField) { if (pField == NULL) return E_POINTER; // Physical Name CComBSTR bsName; pField->get_Name(&bsName); std::wcerr << L"Physical Name : " << (BSTR) bsName << std::endl; // Alias Name CComBSTR bsAlias; char strAlias[50]; pField->get_AliasName(&bsAlias); std::wcerr << L"Alias Name : " << (BSTR) bsAlias << std::endl; // Field type esriFieldType fieldType; pField->get_Type(&fieldType); CComBSTR bsFieldType; switch(fieldType) { case esriFieldTypeSmallInteger: bsFieldType = L"Small Integer"; break; case esriFieldTypeInteger: bsFieldType = L"Integer"; break; case esriFieldTypeSingle: bsFieldType = L"Single"; break; case esriFieldTypeDouble: bsFieldType = L"Double"; break; case esriFieldTypeString: bsFieldType = L"String"; break; case esriFieldTypeDate: bsFieldType = L"Date"; break; case esriFieldTypeOID: bsFieldType = L"Object Identifer"; break; case esriFieldTypeGeometry: bsFieldType = L"Geometry"; break; case esriFieldTypeBlob: bsFieldType = L"Blob Storage"; break; default: bsFieldType = L"Not Supported"; } std::wcerr << L"Type : " << (BSTR) bsFieldType << std::endl; // Field length long lLength; pField->get_Length(&lLength); std::cerr << "Length : " << lLength << std::endl; // Field precision long lPrecision; pField->get_Precision(&lPrecision); std::cerr << "Precision : " << lPrecision << std::endl; // Editable VARIANT_BOOL vbEditable; pField->get_Editable(&vbEditable); CComBSTR bsEditable = (vbEditable == VARIANT_TRUE ? L"true" : L"false"); std::wcerr << L"Editable : " << (BSTR) bsEditable << std::endl; // Default Value CComVariant varDefault; HRESULT hr = pField->get_DefaultValue(&varDefault); if (varDefault.vt == VT_NULL || FAILED(hr)) std::cerr << "Default Value : <UnSpecified>" << std::endl; else { hr = varDefault.ChangeType(VT_BSTR); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) std::wcerr << L"Default Value : " << (BSTR) varDefault.bstrVal << std::endl; } return S_OK; }