Solaris Makefile

Summary This topic provides a template Solaris Makefile for developers to use as a starting point.

# Example Makefile for ArcEngine C++ Programming on Solaris

# The PROGRAM macro defines the name of the program or project.  It
# allows the program name to be changed by editing in only one
# location

PROGRAM = basic_sample

# Command line parameters: Edit these parameters so that you can
# easily run the sample by typing "make -f Makefile.Solaris run".
# You will need to:
# (1) Describe parameters here. ex: IN_SHAPEFILE is the input shapefile
# (2) Define parameters below this comment box.
#       ex: IN_SHAPEFILE = /mycomp/data/shapefile.shp
# (3) Add the parameters to the run target at the end of this file
#       ex: ./$(PROGRAM) $(IN_SHAPEFILE)
# The INCLUDEDIRS macro contains a list of include directories
# to pass to the compiler so it can find necessary header files.
# The LIBDIRS macro contains a list of library directories
# to pass to the linker so it can find necessary libraries.
# The LIBS macro contains a list of libraries that the the
# executable must be linked against.



LIBS = -larcsdk

# The CXXSOURCES macro contains a list of source files.
# The CXXOBJECTS macro converts the CXXSOURCES macro into a list
# of object files.
# The CXXFLAGS macro contains a list of options to be passed to
# the compiler.  Adding "-g" to this line will cause the compiler
# to add debugging information to the executable.
# The CXX macro defines the C++ compiler.
# The LDFLAGS macro contains all of the library and library
# directory information to be passed to the linker.

CXXSOURCES = basic_sample.cpp       # list of source files
CXXOBJECTS = $(CXXSOURCES:.cpp=.o)  # expands to list of object files

# Default target: the first target is the default target.
# Just type "make -f Makefile.Solaris" to build it.

all: $(PROGRAM)

# Link target: automatically builds its object dependencies before
# executing its link command.


# Object targets: rules that define objects, their dependencies, and
# a list of commands for compilation.

basic_sample.o: basic_sample.cpp basic_sample.h
 $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) -c -o basic_sample.o basic_sample.cpp

# Clean target: "make -f Makefile.Solaris clean" to remove unwanted objects and executables.


# Run target: "make -f Makefile.Solaris run" to execute the application
#             You will need to add $(VARIABLE_NAME) for any command line parameters
#             that you defined earlier in this file.
