Manual group draw
// Copyright 2010 ESRI
// All rights reserved under the copyright laws of the United States
// and applicable international laws, treaties, and conventions.
// You may freely redistribute and use this sample code, with or
// without modification, provided you include the original copyright
// notice and use restrictions.
// See the use restrictions.

#include "ManualGroupDraw.h"

// the first macro expands the symbol defined on the command line; the second puts quotes around it
#define STRINGIFY(x) #x

// add the named tool to the toolbar control
void addTool (IToolbarControlPtr &ipToolbar, const char *name)
    CComBSTR toolID ("esriControlCommands.");
    toolID.Append (name);
    long itemIndex;
    ipToolbar->AddItem (CComVariant(toolID), 0, -1, VARIANT_FALSE, 0, esriCommandStyleIconOnly, &itemIndex);

// generate a random floating-point number in the specified range [low, high)
double dRandom (double low, double high)
    static const double MAX_RAND = double ((1 << 31) - 1);

#if defined(ESRI_UNIX)
    return low + double(random()) / MAX_RAND * (high - low);
#elif defined(ESRI_WINDOWS)
    return low + double(rand()) / MAX_RAND * (high - low);

// get the full path of a dataset in the Defense Solutions sample data
CComBSTR dsDataPath (const char *relativeDatasetPath)
#if defined(ESRI_UNIX)
    CComBSTR path (EXPANDSTRING(DATADIRECTORY) "/Samples/data/defensesolutions/");
#elif defined(ESRI_WINDOWS)
    // Change the following path if the SDK is installed to a different directory.
    CComBSTR path (L"C:\\Program Files\\ArcGIS\\DeveloperKit10.0\\Samples\\data\\defensesolutions\\");

    path.Append (relativeDatasetPath);
    return path.Copy();

// shut down arc objects and terminate the application
void shutdown()
    IAoInitializePtr ipInit (CLSID_AoInitialize);
    AoExit (0);

int main(int argc, char **argv)
    printf ("creating application\n");
        printf ("calling AoInitialize\n");

        ::AoInitialize (NULL);
#if defined(ESRI_UNIX)
            printf ("initializing license\n");

            IAoInitializePtr ipInit (CLSID_AoInitialize);
            esriLicenseStatus status;
            ipInit->Initialize (esriLicenseProductCodeEngine, &status);
            if ( status != esriLicenseCheckedOut )
                printf ("Invalid Licensing.\n");
                AoExit (0);

    // use a compound statement to ensure that destructors will be invoked before the AoExit call
        QAxApplication qapp (argc, argv);

        // get the current time and use it to seed the RNG
        QTime time = QTime::currentTime();

#if defined(ESRI_UNIX)
        srandom (1000 * time.second() + time.msec());
#elif defined(ESRI_WINDOWS)
        srand (1000 * time.second() + time.msec());

        ManualGroupDraw mainWindow;;

        printf ("passing control to Qt\n");

    return 0;