How to use
If the sample has associated data, you will find that the sample's zip file includes a "data" folder alongside the language folders. However, you will need to update the sample to point to the location of the data once you have extracted all the files.
- Build the project.
- Run the program by typing 'MoleLayers'. The steps being taken to produce the display are printed on the console. Once the display appears, it can be navigated with the toolbar.
- If you type 'noexts' after MoleLayers on the command line, it loads data from a database containing only non-MOLE feature classes. This demonstrates an alternate method of detecting MOLE symbology in feature classes that does not rely on the presence of MOLE class extensions.
- The IsForceElementFC function contains the predicates to determine if a feature class contains force elements.
- The IsTacticalGraphicFC function contains the predicates to determine if a feature class contains tactical graphics.
- The LoadLayer function contains combined logic to automatically load feature classes into MOLE and non-MOLE layers, without requiring the caller to know the type of features in advance.
MoleLayers.cpp | Implementation file |
Makefile | Unix Makefile |
NMakefile.mak | Windows Makefile |
Download the files for all languages
Development licensing | Deployment licensing |
Engine Developer Kit: Military Overlay Editor | Engine Runtime: Military Overlay Editor |