Geodesy MapControl
// Copyright 2010 ESRI
// All rights reserved under the copyright laws of the United States
// and applicable international laws, treaties, and conventions.
// You may freely redistribute and use this sample code, with or
// without modification, provided you include the original copyright
// notice and use restrictions.
// See the use restrictions.

#include "MapControlEvents.h"

void MapControlEvents::OnAfterDraw(VARIANT display, long viewDrawPhase)

void MapControlEvents::OnAfterScreenDraw(long hdc)

void MapControlEvents::OnBeforeScreenDraw(long hdc)

void MapControlEvents::OnDoubleClick(long button, long shift, long x,
                                     long y, double mapX, double mapY)

void MapControlEvents::OnExtentUpdated(VARIANT displayTransformation,
                                       VARIANT_BOOL sizeChanged,
                                       VARIANT newEnvelope)

void MapControlEvents::OnFullExtentUpdated(VARIANT displayTransformation,
                                           VARIANT newEnvelope)

void MapControlEvents::OnKeyDown(long keyCode, long shift)

void MapControlEvents::OnKeyUp(long keyCode, long shift)

void MapControlEvents::OnMapReplaced(VARIANT newMap)

void MapControlEvents::OnMouseDown(long button, long shift, long x, long y,
                                   double mapX,double mapY)
     On a right mouse button click use the TrackPolygon method on the map control
     to define the vertices of an eventual GeoPolygon. Each right mouse button
     click adds a vertex to the polygon; double-clicking the right mouse button
     completes the polygon.
    if(button == 2 )
         Create the polygon from the TrackPolygon method. This polygon will be
             the foundation for a GeoPolygon object.
        IGeometryPtr ipPolyGeom;
        IPolygonPtr ipPoly = ipPolyGeom;
        IGeoPolygonPtr ipGeoPoly(CLSID_GeoPolygon);

         Set the GeoPolyline type to form the segments of the GeoPolygon. In this case
             the segments will be Geodesic lines.
        //set polygon's spatial reference
        ISpatialReferencePtr ipSpatialRef;
        ISpatialReferenceFactory2Ptr ipSpatialFactory(CLSID_SpatialReferenceEnvironment);
        ipSpatialFactory->CreateSpatialReference(esriSRGeoCS_WGS1984, &ipSpatialRef);

        //outline color
        IRgbColorPtr ipRgb(CLSID_RgbColor);

        //make fill color null
        IColorPtr ipNullColor(CLSID_RgbColor);

        //create the line symbol for the polygon outline
        ILineSymbolPtr ipLineSym(CLSID_SimpleLineSymbol);

        //create the fill symbol
        IFillSymbolPtr ipFillSym(CLSID_SimpleFillSymbol);

         Create the IElement to be rendered as a GeoPolygonElement and
             set its geometry to the GeoPolygon geometry. When a GeoPolygonElement
             graphic is moved from one location to another in the map control
             the GeoPolygon geometry is automatically updated based on the
             geographic location and the graphic is updated accordingly.
        IElementPtr ipTrackPolyElement(CLSID_GeoPolygonElement);
        IGeometryPtr ipGeoPolyGeom = ipGeoPoly;

        //QI to IFillShapeElement to set the symbology of the GeoPolygon graphic
        IFillShapeElementPtr ipFillShapeElement = ipTrackPolyElement;

        //draw the key points polygon graphic


void MapControlEvents::drawElement(IElement* ipElement)
    //get ActiveView from MapControl
    IActiveViewPtr ipActiveView;

    //get the GraphicsContainer and add element
    IGraphicsContainerPtr ipContainer;
    ipContainer->AddElement(ipElement, 0);

    //refresh view to draw the added element

void MapControlEvents::OnMouseMove(long button, long shift, long x, long y,
                                   double mapX, double mapY)

void MapControlEvents::OnMouseUp(long button, long shift, long x, long y,
                                 double mapX, double mapY)

void MapControlEvents::OnOleDrop(esriControlsDropAction dropAction,
                                 VARIANT dataObjectHelper, long* effect,
                                 long button, long shift, long x, long y)

void MapControlEvents::OnSelectionChanged()

void MapControlEvents::OnViewRefreshed(VARIANT ActiveView, long viewDrawPhase,
                                       VARIANT layerOrElement,
                                       VARIANT envelope)