Using the GlobeControl

The GlobeControl corresponds to the '3D View' of the ArcGlobe desktop application and provides a 3D view of data on a globe surface in true geodetic location. Note the GlobeControl requires the ArcGIS Engine 3D Extension.

Globe objects

The GlobeControl encapsulates an object implementing IGlobeViewer. This is the same IGlobeViewer object found inside the ArcGlobe application. The IGlobeViewer object contains a GlobeDisplay and the GlobeDisplay contains a Globe. The GlobeControl provides shortcuts to frequently used properties and methods on the object it encapsulates. For example, the GlobeControl has GlobeCamera, Globe, GlobeDisplay and GlobeViewer properties. For more information about these objects see the GlobeCore library.

Loading Globe Documents

The globe document can be set at design time through the GlobeControl property pages (in development environments that support property page capability). The GlobeControl will attempt to load this document when it is created. Alternatively, a globe document can be loaded into the GlobeControl programmatically using the Check3dFile method to determine whether the document is valid and the Load3dFile method to load in the globe document.


The GlobeControl has built in navigation functionality that can be switched on at design time through the GlobeControl property pages or programmatically with the Navigate property. The functionality enables the end user to use the left mouse button to navigate backwards and forwards and to the left and right of the display, and the right mouse button to zoom in and out on the display.

Development licensing Deployment licensing
Engine Developer Kit Engine Runtime