Dynamic display

PurposeDemonstration of dynamic display using the MapControl. The "Track" button toggles the dynamic layer. This sample also provides an example of extending ArcObjects with the C++ API.

How to use

If the sample has associated data, you will find that the sample's zip file includes a "data" folder alongside the language folders. However, you will need to update the sample to point to the location of the data once you have extracted all the files.

  1. Run the application.
  2. If using Qt, press the "Track" button.
  3. Use the Roam tool to pan the map.

MapTocToolbar.cpp Main file
License.cpp License management code
License.h header file
CustomLayerBase.cpp Extension of FeatureLayer CoClass using ILayer and IDynamicLayer
CustomLayerBase.h Header file
MyDynamicLayer.cpp Implementation of DynamicLayer features, connection to QTimer
MyDynamicLayer.h Header file
DynamicTrackingCommand.cpp QT button to turn on/off dynamic tracking
DynamicTrackingCommand.h Header file
NavigationData.cpp Extension of FeatureLayer CoClass using ILayer and IDynamicLayer
NavigationData.h Header file
Makefile Unix Project Makefile
NMakefile.mak Windows Project Makefile
Download the QT_CPP files
License.cpp License management code
License.h Header file
CustomLayerBase.cpp Extension of FeatureLayer CoClass using ILayer and IDynamicLayer
CustomLayerBase.h Header file
MyDynamicLayer.cpp Implementation of DynamicLayer features, connection to QTimer
MyDynamicLayer.h Header file
Makefile Unix Project Makefile
NMakefile.mak Windows Project Makefile
Download the GTK_CPP files

Download the files for all languages

Additional Requirements
  • QT implementation requires QT4

Development licensing Deployment licensing
Engine Developer Kit Engine Runtime