Testing with ArcGIS Engine Runtime

In this topic

Installation of ArcGIS Engine Runtime for testing

To install, insert the ArcGIS Engine Runtime CD in the CD drive and use Windows Explorer to navigate to the CD drive. Follow the instructions of the ArcGIS Engine Runtime Setup. ArcGIS COM libraries will be installed automatically by the install. If your custom application was developed with the .NET or Java APIs, you will need to install the Java or .NET ArcGIS Engine support features.
If the .NET Framework and Java JRE prerequisite are met prior to installing the ArcGIS Engine Runtime, the .NET and Java features will install as part of a Typical install. Alternately, if a prerequisite does not exist on the machine, you will need to install it, and then install the corresponding feature using the Modify/Repair option for ArcGIS Engine Runtime in the Add/Remove Programs dialog.

Registration of ArcGIS Engine Runtime for testing

ArcGIS Engine Runtime, as with the ArcGIS Engine Developer Kit, needs to be registered with ESRI and authorized for use on a per-machine, single-use basis via an ESRI Client Provisioning (.prvc) file that unlocks the underlying software components for runtime use. This registration is a two-step process.
The registration codes supplied with the EDN product for ArcGIS Engine Runtime testing can be registered at the same time the ArcGIS Engine Developer Kit is registered.

Copy protection for ArcGIS Engine Runtime for testing

To receive an ESRI Copy Protection file for ArcGIS Engine Runtime, one or more test registration numbers supplied within the product packaging must be registered with ESRI. You may have already registered the testing registration codes when registering the ArcGIS Engine Developer Kit. The products can be registered either before installation or after installation via:
  • The ESRI Customer Service Web site: http://service.esri.com.
  • The Software Authorization Wizard at <cd>:\Program Files\Common Files\ArcGIS\bin\SoftwareAuthorization.exe.

Software authorization for ArcGIS Runtime for testing

To complete the registration process, ArcGIS Engine Runtime must be authorized with the .prvc file to unlock the underlying software components for runtime use. As a developer, you did this yourself when you installed and set up the ArcObjects Software Development Kit (SDK). Once you had installed the software, a Software Authorization wizard opened and prompted you to navigate to the .prvc file issued when you registered the product. Only after completing the software authorization were you able to develop and run custom ArcGIS Engine applications.
The product can be authorized by:
  • Using the Software Authorization Wizard at <cd>:\Program Files\Common Files\ArcGIS\bin\SoftwareAuthorization.exe to navigate to the .prvc file.
  • Registering the ArcGIS Engine Runtime online at http://service.esri.com gives you the option to dynamically authorize the product over the Internet. In this case, no .prvc file will be sent.
The ArcGIS Administrator tool at <cd>:\Program Files\Common Files\ArcGIS\bin\ArcGISAdmin.exe can be used to verify the license configuration of the ArcGIS Engine Runtime and its extensions.
Once the functionality and the license initialization have been tested for the custom application, a setup may be created to deploy the application to end user machines. This setup may incorporate the custom application, map documents and data, additional components and resources and the ArcGIS Engine Runtime setup. This is discussed in more detail in the Deployment topic. The setup itself should be tested to simulate the end user experience.