Clip shapefile by envelope
// Copyright 2010 ESRI
// All rights reserved under the copyright laws of the United States
// and applicable international laws, treaties, and conventions.
// You may freely redistribute and use this sample code, with or
// without modification, provided you include the original copyright
// notice and use restrictions.
// See the use restrictions.


// PathUtilities.h
// This file contains declarations of various utility functions
// dealing with file paths and associated structures and macros.


#if defined(ESRI_UNIX) || defined(ESRI_WINDOWS)
#include <ArcSDK.h>
#include <atlbase.h>

// Versions which return a BSTR
// Function to remove the file name from the full path and return the path to the parent directory
HRESULT GetParentDirFromFullPath(const char* inFullPath, BSTR *outFilePath, bool keepBackSlash = false);

// Function to extract the file name from the full path of the file
HRESULT GetFileFromFullPath(const char* inFullPath, BSTR *outFileName);

// Function to append an extension to a file if it's not there already
HRESULT AppendFileExtensionIfNeeded(BSTR inFileName, BSTR inExtensionWithDot, BSTR *outFileName);

// char * versions
// Function to remove the file name from the full path and return the path to the parent directory
void GetParentDirFromFullPath(const char* inFullPath, char** outFilePath, bool keepBackSlash);

// Function to extract the file name from the full path of the file
void GetFileFromFullPath(const char* inFullPath, char** outFileName);

// Function to append an extension to a file if it's not there already
void AppendFileExtensionIfNeeded(const char* inFileName, const char *inExtensionWithDot, char** outFileName);

// Function to extract the file name (minus extension) from the full path of the file
void GetFileNoExtensionFromFullPath(const char* inFullPath, char** outFileName);

// Function which checks whether an file path is a directory
bool IsDirectory(const char* FileName);

// Function which checks that a full path
bool FullPathHasFileName (const char *inFullPath);