ArcObjects Library Reference (Server)  

IServerObjectConfiguration.UsageTimeout Property

Maximum time (in seconds) a client can hold onto an instance of a server object for this server object configuration before releasing it back to the server. It is the maximum time allowed between calling CreateServerContext and ReleaseServerContext.

[Visual Basic .NET]
Public Property UsageTimeout As Integer
public int UsageTimeout {get; set;}
HRESULT get_UsageTimeout(
  long* pVal
HRESULT put_UsageTimeout(
  long pVal


pVal [out, retval]   pVal is a parameter of type long pVal [in]   pVal is a parameter of type long

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.


Once a client gets a reference to a server object, they can hold onto that server object as long as they want to before releasing it. The amount of time between when a client gets a reference to a server object and when they release it is called the usage time. To ensure that clients dont hold references to server objects for too long (i.e. they dont correctly release server objects), A server object can be configured to have a maximum usage time by specifying the UsageTimeout property on IServerObjectConfiguration. If a client holds onto a server object longer than the maximum usage time, then the server object is automatically released and the client will lose their reference to the server object.

The UsageTimeout is in seconds.

See Also

IServerObjectConfiguration Interface