ArcObjects Library Reference (GeoDatabaseExtensions)  

ITerrainEdit3 Interface

Provides access to members used to modify and build a terrain.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.


Method AddDataSource Adds a reference to a feature class.
Method AddDataSourceData Appends measurements to a terrain data source (feature class).
Method AddDataSourceData2 Appends measurements to terrain data source (feature class).
Method AddPyramidLevel Adds a pyramid level.
Method Build Constructs the terrain.
Method CalculateFieldStatistics Calculate Terrain blob field statistics of the specified embedded data source.
Method ChangeMaxScale Modifies the largest display scale used for a particular level of a terrain pyramid.
Method ChangeResolutionBounds Change the resolution bounds of a data source.
Method ChangeUsageInOverview Change the ApplyToOverviewTerrain property of the specified data source.
Method DeleteDataSourceData Removes measurements from a terrain data source (feature class).
Method DeleteDataSourceData2 Removes measurements from a terrain data source (feature class).
Method DeleteDataSourceDataByFC Removes measurements from a terrain data source (feature class).
Method RemoveDataSource Removes reference to a participating feature class.
Method RemovePyramidLevel Removes a pyramid level.
Method ReplaceDataSourceData Replaces measurements from a terrain data source (feature class) with measurements in another feature class.
Method ReplaceDataSourceData2 Replaces measurements from a terrain data source (feature class) with measurements in another feature class.
Method UpdateExtent Refresh terrain's extent.

Inherited Interfaces

Interfaces Description
ITerrainEdit2 Provides access to members used to modify and build a terrain.
ITerrainEdit Provides access to members used to modify and build a terrain.

CoClasses that implement ITerrainEdit3

CoClasses and Classes Description
Terrain The ESRI Terrain component.