ArcObjects Library Reference (GeoDatabase)  

IFeatureDataConverter.ConvertFeatureClass Method

Converts a featureClass to a Personal Geodatabase/Geodatabase featureClass.

[Visual Basic .NET]
Public Function ConvertFeatureClass ( _
    ByVal InputDatasetName As IFeatureClassName, _
    ByVal InputQueryFilter As IQueryFilter, _
    ByVal outputFDatasetName As IFeatureDatasetName, _
    ByVal outputFClassName As IFeatureClassName, _
    ByVal OutputGeometryDef As IGeometryDef, _
    ByVal OutputFields As IFields, _
    ByVal configKey As String, _
    ByVal FlushInterval As Integer, _
    ByVal parentHWND As Integer _
) As IEnumInvalidObject
public IEnumInvalidObject ConvertFeatureClass (
    IFeatureClassName InputDatasetName,
    IQueryFilter InputQueryFilter,
    IFeatureDatasetName outputFDatasetName,
    IFeatureClassName outputFClassName,
    IGeometryDef OutputGeometryDef,
    IFields OutputFields,
    string configKey,
    int FlushInterval,
    int parentHWND
HRESULT ConvertFeatureClass(
  IFeatureClassName* InputDatasetName,
  IQueryFilter* InputQueryFilter,
  IFeatureDatasetName* outputFDatasetName,
  IFeatureClassName* outputFClassName,
  IGeometryDef* OutputGeometryDef,
  IFields* OutputFields,
  BSTR configKey,
  long FlushInterval,
  IEnumInvalidObject** EnumInvalidObject


InputDatasetName [in]

  InputDatasetName is a parameter of type IFeatureClassName

InputQueryFilter [in]

  InputQueryFilter is a parameter of type IQueryFilter

outputFDatasetName [in]

  outputFDatasetName is a parameter of type IFeatureDatasetName

outputFClassName [in]

  outputFClassName is a parameter of type IFeatureClassName

OutputGeometryDef [in]

  OutputGeometryDef is a parameter of type IGeometryDef

OutputFields [in]

  OutputFields is a parameter of type IFields

configKey [in]   configKey is a parameter of type BSTR FlushInterval [in]   FlushInterval is a parameter of type long parentHWND [in]

  parentHWND is a parameter of type OLE_HANDLE

EnumInvalidObject [out, retval]

  EnumInvalidObject is a parameter of type IEnumInvalidObject

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.


ConvertFeatureClass automates the conversion of feature class data. This method supports the conversion of simple feature classes (point, line, polygon). Conversion of complex feature classes (geometric network feature classes, SDE 3.x annotation, Geodatabase annotation, coverage annotation) is not supported.  Subtypes and domains are not maintained by ConvertFeatureClass.

To create a featureclass with a subset of the columns from the source data use IQueryFilter::SubFields. Make sure to includes the geometry column. The OID column will be ignored. The OutputFields object should include all of the fields.

See Also

IFeatureDataConverter Interface | IGeoDBDataTransfer Interface