Interface |
Description |
I3DProperties |
Provides access to members that control three-dimensional properties. |
I3DProperties2 |
Provides additional access to members that control three-dimensional properties. |
I3DProperties3 |
Provides additional access to members that control three-dimensional properties. |
I3DViewer |
Provides access to members that conrtrol the 3D viewer. |
IAnimationTrack |
Provides access to animation tracks. |
IAnimationTracks |
Provides access to members that control the scene animation tracks. |
IAnimationType |
Provides access to the animation type objects. |
IAVIExporter |
Provides access to members that are associated with the AVI exporter. |
IBasicScene |
Provides access to basic members of the scene. |
IBasicScene2 |
Provides access to basic members of the scene. |
IBillboardDisplay |
Provides access to members that affect billboard display of symbols. |
IBookmark3D |
Provides access to members than control bookmarks in 3D. |
IBookmarkToKeyframe |
Provides access to methods to convert Bookmarks in Keyframes. |
ICamera |
Provides access to members that manipulate the camera. |
ICamera2 |
Provides access to members that manipulate the camera. |
ICamera3 |
Provides access to members that manipulate the camera. |
ICharacterMarker3DSymbol |
Provides access to members that control the 3D marker symbol. |
IExportColladaFile |
Exports Multipatch to Collada. |
IExpression |
Provides access to members that control expression calculation. |
IFeature3DProperties |
Provides access to members that control feature filtering in a scene. |
IFeature3DProperties2 |
Provides access to members that control feature filtering in a scene. |
IGeneralMultiPatchCreator |
Provides access to manage the creation of a GeneralMultiPatch. |
IGeometryMaterial |
Provides access to Material properties. |
IGeometryMaterialList |
Provides access to a list of objects implementing IGeometryMaterial. |
IGraphicsContainer3D |
Provides access to members that manipulate the graphics container. |
IGraphicsSelection |
Provides access to members that select 3D graphics. |
IHit3D |
Provides access to members that control information about a hit in 3D picking. |
IHit3DSet |
Provides access to members that control the set of Hit3D objects resulting from a 3D picking. |
IImport3DApplication |
Provides access to an application to create 3D General Multipatches. |
IImport3DFile |
Provides access to a file used to create 3D General Multipatches. |
IImport3DFile2 |
Provides access to a file used to create 3D General Multipatches. |
IImport3DFileRoots |
Provides access to a roots in a file used to create 3D General Multipatches. |
IKeyframe |
Provides access to keyframe of animated objects. |
ILayerRenderers |
Provides access to members that expose the renderers of a layer. |
ILine3DPlacement |
Provides access to members that control the simple 3D line symbol origin. |
IMarker3DPlacement |
Provides access to members that control the simple 3D marker symbol origin. |
IMarker3DSymbol |
Provides access to members that control the 3D marker symbol. |
IMessageDispatcher |
Provides access to members for manipulating message queue and keeping track of cancellation. |
IQuickTimeExporter |
Provides access to members that are associated with the QuickTime exporter. |
IRasterSurface |
Provides access to members that manipulate and analyze a raster surface. |
IScene |
Provides access to members that control the scene. |
ISceneBookmarks |
Provides access to members that control the scene bookmarks. |
ISceneBookmarks2 |
Provides access to members that control the scene bookmarks. |
ISceneExporter3d |
Provides access to members that are associated with exporting a 3D scene. |
ISceneGraph |
Provides access to members that control and manipulate the scene graph. |
ISceneGraph2 |
Provides access to members that control and manipulate the scene graph. |
ISceneGraphEvents |
Provides access to events that occur when the state of the scene graph changes. |
ISceneGraphEventsDisp |
Provides access to events that occur when state of scene graph changes. |
ISceneRenderer |
Provides access to members that control scene rendering. |
ISceneRendererEvents |
Provides access to events that occur when a scene is rendered. |
ISceneVideoExporter |
Provides access to members that are associated with exporting a 3D scene animation to video. |
ISceneViewer |
Provides access to members that conrtrol the scene viewer. |
ISimpleLine3DSymbol |
Provides access to members that control the simple 3D line symbol. |
ISimpleMarker3DSymbol |
Provides access to members that control the simple 3D marker symbol. |
IStereoCamera |
Provides access to members that manipulate the stereo camera. |
ISxAnimationEnvironment |
Provides access to members that control the Animation Environment. |
ISxAnimationEnvironment2 |
Provides access to members that control the Animation Environment. |
ITextureFillSymbol |
Provides access to members that control the texture fill symbol. |
ITextureLineSymbol |
Provides access to members that control the texture line symbol. |
IVideoExporterProperties |
Provides access to members that are associated with exporting a video. |
IViewers3D |
Provides access to members that control 3D displays. |
IVRMLExporter |
Provides access to members that are associated with the VRML exporter. |