One Stage geography assignment

One Stage geography assignment lets you assign geographies to districts as you make geography selections.

  1. Verify you are in One Stage assignment mode:
    • On the Create ribbon, ensure the light bulb One Stage indicator is turned off.

      When the light bulb is on Two Stage indicator, you are in Two Stage assignment mode.

    • Right-click the map to verify you are in the One Stage assignment mode.

      When you right-click the map, a context menu appears. To ensure you are in One Stage geography assignments, you should see Two Stage Assignments listed in the context menu.

      Verifying One Stage mode

  2. On the Create ribbon, choose an active district from the drop-down menu.
    Active District drop-down menu

    The active district is the district to which your selection will be assigned.

  3. Click to choose a selection tool:
    • Select a Geography Select a Geography lets you select individual geographies, one at a time.
    • Select Geographies by Rectangle Select Geographies by Rectangle lets you select multiple geographies that intersect the defined rectangle.
    • Select Geographies by Polygon Select Geographies by Polygon lets you select multiple geographies that intersect the defined polygon.
    • Select Geographies by Polyline Select Geographies by Polyline lets you select multiple geographies that intersect the defined polyline.
  4. Using the selection tool, select a geography on the map.
    One Stage geography selection

    The geography that matches your selection is automatically assigned to the active district.

    One Stage assignment
