Two Stage geography assignment

Two Stage geography assignment lets you view proposed changes in geography assignment before you commit to an assignment. A Proposed tab is enabled on the District Statistics dialog box that shows the impact of the new geography assignments before you commit your changes.

  1. Verify you are in One Stage assignment mode:
    • On the Create ribbon, ensure the light bulb Two Stage indicator is turned on.

      When the light bulb is off One Stage indicator, you are in One Stage assignment mode.

    • Right-click the map to verify you are in the Two Stage assignment mode.

      When you right-click the map, a context menu appears. To ensure you are in Two Stage geography assignment, you should see One Stage Assignments listed in the context menu.

      Verifying Two Stage mode

  2. On the Create ribbon, choose an active district from the drop-down menu.
    Active District drop-down menu
  3. Choose the desired selection level from the drop-down menu (Optional).
    Selection Level drop-down menu

    If the selection level is set to Automatic, the selection changes with the map scale. For example, the district map may be zoomed in such that block groups are visible. At this extent, block groups are the selection level, and therefore, block groups are the geography that can be assigned to a district.

    To enforce selection to a specific geography (for example, county, tract, block group, or block), choose the desired geography from the drop-down menu.

  4. Click to choose a selection tool:
    • Select a Geography Select a Geography lets you select individual geographies, one at a time.
    • Select Geographies by Rectangle Select Geographies by Rectangle lets you select multiple geographies that intersect the defined rectangle.
    • Select Geographies by Polygon Select Geographies by Polygon lets you select multiple geographies that intersect the defined polygon.
    • Select Geographies by Polyline Select Geographies by Polyline lets you select multiple geographies that intersect the defined polyline.
  5. Using the selection tool, select a geography on the map.
    Two stage geography selection

    The geography that matches your selection is highlighted on the map. A Proposed tab is enabled in the District Statistics dialog box.

    The Two Stage tools are enabled on the Create ribbon.

    • Clear Selections Clear Two Stage Selectionscancels the geography selection.
    • Assign Selections Assign Two Stage Selections assigns the selected geographies to the active district.
    • Zoom to Selections Zoom to Two Stage Selections zooms the map to the full extent of the selected geographies.
    Geographies are highlighted on the map

  6. Click the Proposed tab on the District Statistics dialog box and review the impact of the assignment selection.
    District Statistics Proposed tab
    On the District Statistics dialog box, the Proposed tab shows the impact of the new geography assignments before you commit your changes. You can see the total population and demographics increase and decrease in all districts affected by the assignment.
  7. Right-click the selected geography on the map.

    A context menu appears with the following options:

    • One Stage Assignments changes the assignment method.
    • Assign Selections assigns the selected geographies to the active district.
    • Clear Selections cancels the geography selection.
    • Zoom to Selections zooms the map to the full extent of the selected geographies.


    The context menu displays the same buttons on the Create ribbon, as described above.

  8. Click Assign Selections.
    Two stage context menu

    The selected geography is assigned to the active district.

    Two stage assign selection result
