Exporting a plan for use with Districting for ArcGIS

Esri Redistricting Online is compatible with the ArcMap free add-on Districting for ArcGIS. You can export a plan in a fixed text format for importing into ArcMap. There are a few minor changes you will need to apply to the text file prior to importing as discussed in the steps below. The ability to export and import from one application to another allows you to easily exchange, enhance, and share your redistricting plans.

Districting for ArcGIS is an add-on that allows you to create defined groupings of geographic data, such as census tracts, ZIP Codes, and precincts, by creating a districting plan.

With Districting for ArcGIS, you can do the following:

For more information about the free add-on and to download the extension, see Districting for ArcGIS.

  1. On the Submit ribbon, click Export.
    Export option on Submit ribbon
  2. Click Fixed Text Format.

    The Define Export Format dialog box appears.

    Define Export Format dialog
  3. Select the export format order Block then District.

    For compatibility with the Districting for ArcGIS add-on, the format must be Block then District.

  4. Select the delimiter Comma delimited.
  5. Click OK.

    The Export Plan dialog box appears and lets you know the export calculations are complete.

    Export Plan dialog
  6. Click OK.
  7. Navigate to a location to store the export plan.

    Ensure you save the file with a *.txt file extension.

  8. Click Save.

    The exported plan is saved as a text (*.txt) file in the output directory.

  9. Open the exported *.txt file in a text editor such as Notepad.

    The export file is displayed in the text editor. The export file shows block then district with a comma delimiter as you specified above.

    Example export file in text editor

  10. Enter two lines at the top of the text file:
    1. On the first line, type the number of districts in the Districting for ArcGIS plan that you will import into.
    2. On the second line, type GEOCODE.
      Text file exported from Esri Redistricting Online, compatible with Districting for ArcGIS
  11. Save and close the text editor.
  12. Start ArcMap.
  13. Use Districting for ArcGIS to create a new plan or open an existing plan.

    The Districting for ArcGIS plan must be for the same state as the import file. For example, if the file you want to import contains districts for the state of Georgia, the Districting for ArcGIS plan must be opened to the state of Georgia.


    For import/export compatibility between Esri Redistricting Online and Districting for ArcGIS, the Districting for ArcGIS plan must be using Census Blocks with a GEOCODE attribute column. That is, the current plan's Source Geography Key field must be set to GEOCODE.

  14. On the Districting toolbar, click the Districting.
  15. Click Start Editing.
  16. On the Districting toolbar, click the Districting.
  17. Click Import Plan.
    Import Plan option on the Districting toolbar
  18. On the Import Plan dialog box, choose whether you want to continue with the import.
    • Click Yes to import districts.
    • Click No to cancel the importing process.

    The confirmation dialog box appears because you cannot undo imported districts. Ensure you want to import to your current plan.

    If you clicked Yes and continued with the export, a progress dialog box appears to let you know the status of the import.

    Progress dialog for importing districts

    Once complete, the imported districts are visible in ArcMap.

    Import to Districting for ArcGIS complete
