Opening a plan that is shared as read/write

There are two access levels that are granted to other users/groups when a plan is shared: Read Only access or Read/Write access.

Read Only allows other users to only view your plan. Modifications, assignments, or changes to the plan will not be saved with your plan. However, other users can make changes to your read-only plan and use the Save As function to save the plan to their user account for editing. You will see the Read Only status displayed in the Open Dialog box under the Status column.


If you are the plan owner, you are allowed to make changes to the plan, even if the plan is shared as read-only with others.

Read/Write access allows other users to read and modify plans that you have shared. Plans that are shared as read/write will be displayed as read/write for all users, even the plan owner. The read/write indicators are shown for any user who has access to and opens the plan that is shared as read/write, because any user can potentially lock the plan and make changes.

When you open a plan that has been shared as read/write (even if you are the plan owner), you are prompted to lock the plan. When you lock the plan, you are the sole user who can make edits to the plan. Read/Write is beneficial if you want to collaborate with other users on a redistricting plan.

  1. Access the Open Plan dialog box:
    • On the File ribbon, click Open.
      Open option on the Plan Menu drop-down menu
    • On the toolbar, click Open Open button.
  2. On the Open Plan dialog box, navigate to the desired plan.
    Open Plan dialog box
  3. Click to highlight the plan you want to open.
  4. Click Open Plan.

    The Lock Plan? dialog box appears. This dialog box lets you decide whether to lock the plan and prevent others from editing it or to open the plan as read-only.

    Lock Plan dialog box

  5. Open the plan using one of the following options:
    • Click Yes to lock the plan in order to make and save edits. This prevents other users from modifying the plan.
    • Click No to open the plan in read-only mode.

    Since this is a read/write access plan, you will see the read/write indicators next to the plan name. These indicators are also shown on the Create ribbon. If you lock the plan for editing, you see a lock icon next to the plan name.

    Read/Write notation

    A plan will remain locked even if you exit your Esri Redistricting Online session. You must unlock a plan to allow others access to modify and edit the plan.

  6. To unlock a plan, navigate to the Plan ribbon and click Unlock Plan. Anytime you want to lock a plan, navigate to the Plan ribbon and click Lock Plan.
