Exporting a plan to an image

Esri Redistricting Online provides the ability to export a snapshot of the plan as an image file for sharing with other users. You can export a plan to an image file such as JPEG or PNG.

  1. On the File ribbon, click Export.
    Export option on File ribbon
  2. Select Image.

    The Define Image Export Format dialog box appears.

    Define Image Export Format dialog box
  3. Select the export image DPI:
    • 96
    • 150
    • 300

    The dots per inch (DPI), lets you define the resolution for the export image.

  4. Select the export image file type:
    • JPG
    • PNG
  5. Click OK.

    The Export Plan dialog box appears and lets you know the export file is complete.

    Export Plan dialog box
  6. Click OK.
  7. Navigate to a location to store the export image.
  8. Enter a name for the export and include the file type, for example, Alabama.jpg.
  9. Click Save.

    The exported plan is saved to the image file, as defined above, in the output directory.
