Importing a Districting for ArcGIS file

Esri Redistricting Online is compatible with Districting for ArcGIS, the free add-on that allows you to create redistricting plans using ArcGIS Desktop. You can export plans from Districting for ArcGIS for sharing and dissemination with Esri Redistricting Online.

There are a few minor changes you will need to apply to the text file prior to importing as discussed in the steps below. The ability to export and import from one application to another allows you to easily exchange, enhance, and share your redistricting plans.

For more information about the free add-on and to download the extension, see Districting for ArcGIS.

The following steps assume you have Districting for ArcGIS installed on your machine and that a plan you want to export is open.


For import/export compatibility between Esri Redistricting Online and Districting for ArcGIS, the Districting for ArcGIS plan must be using Census Blocks with a GEOCODE attribute column. That is, the current plan's Source Geography Key field must be set to GEOCODE.

  1. On the Districting toolbar, click Districting.
  2. Click Export Plan.
    Export Plan option on Districting toolbar

    The Save As dialog box opens.

  3. Navigate to a location to store the export plan and click Save.
    Save As dialog box

    Ensure you save the file with a *.txt file extension.

  4. Navigate to and open the exported *.txt file in a text editor such as Notepad.
    Example text file exported from Districting for ArcGIS
  5. Delete two lines at the top of the text file:
    1. Delete the first line that contains the number of districts from the Districting for ArcGIS plan.
    2. Delete the second line, which reads GEOCODE.
      Example export file made compatible with Esri Redistricting Online
  6. Save and close the text editor.
  7. Launch Esri Redistricting Online.
  8. Enter your user name and password.
  9. Create a new plan or open an existing plan.
  10. On the Submit ribbon, click Import.
    Import option on the Submit ribbon
  11. Navigate to the plan (*.txt file) you want to import.
  12. Click Open.

    The Select Import Format dialog box appears.

    Select Import Format dialog box
  13. Choose the source geography.

    Esri Redistricting Online supports importing state and county plans. To import state or county plans, expand the state or county group and select the corresponding source geography.


    The data hierarchy and import format are automatically determined from the import file. You only need to verify these fields are correct.

  14. Choose the district caption from the drop-down menu.
  15. Define the maximum deviation percent.

    By default, the maximum deviation percent is 10%. However, you can modify this value based on your organization's redistricting deviation requirements.

  16. Click OK.

    The Districting for ArcGIS export file is successfully imported into Esri Redistricting Online.

    Example import from a Districting for ArcGIS file

  17. NoteNote:

    Once a plan is imported, you must turn on demographics for charts and reports to be displayed. By default, imported plans only display geography information, such as assigned and unassigned geographies.
