Swapping district names

Esri Redistricting Online lets you exchange or swap the district label for district assignments. Using this method, you can select a new district label from a drop-down menu. The underlying geography remains with its current assigment.

  1. On the Create ribbon, click Districts.
    Districts option on Create ribbon

    The District Statistics window appears. The District Statistics window displays the districts in your current plan, the symbology for each district, and the total population count for each district and demographics per district.

    District Statistics dialog box

  2. Click Swap.

    The Swap Districts dialog box appears.

    Swap Districts dialog box

  3. Locate the district name you want to change and select a district name from the corresponding drop-down menu.
  4. Repeat step 3 as needed.
  5. Click OK.

    The district labels update on the map.
