Creating a dynamic thematic map

With Esri Redistricting Online, you can create dynamic thematic maps. A thematic map lets you convey information about a single topic or theme, such as voting population or demographic.


Thematic mapping is not available at the VTD level. If you have a district plan in the County-VTD-Block hierarchy, you can only create thematic maps for County and Block.

  1. On the Create ribbon, click Theme.
  2. Click Configurable Theme.
    Configurable Theme option
  3. Choose a layer from the drop-down menu.
  4. Choose a set from the drop-down menu.
  5. Choose a variable from the drop-down menu.
  6. Check the Theme by Percentage checkbox (Optional).

    The Theme by Percentage checkbox displays the selected variable as a percent on thematic map.The Theme by Percentage checkbox is disabled when the Universe set is selected.

  7. Click Update.

    The thematic map is applied to the map. The color ramp is displayed below the scale bar and distinguishes the value range for each color of the thematic map.

    Thematic map using basic options

  8. Click Advanced Options to set additional attributes for the thematic map (Optional):


    The Breaks drop-down menu lets you select 2–10 breaks, or classifications, for the thematic map. By default, the thematic map is created with 5 classifications.


    The Range slider lets you select the minimum and maximum population values to include in the thematic map.


    The Colors menu lets you change the color ramp, or graduated colors, used for the thematic map.


    The Transparency slider lets you modify the transparency and opacity of the thematic layer. At 0%, the thematic layer is opaque; at 100%, the thematic layer is fully transparent.


    The Method menu lets you select the type of thematic map to display:

    • Equal Interval is a method of dividing the total range of numeric values into categories so that each category covers an equal distance along the range of values. This method allows an equal distribution of range.
    • Quantile is a method of dividing a range of numeric values into categories so that each category has the same number of values. This method allows equal distribution in each category.


    The Values check box allows you to create thematic maps using the visible values only. This allows you to apply thematic mapping that is scale dependent.

    When the Use visible values only check box is checked, the thematic map only displays the values that fall within the population range. Values that fall outside the range are not displayed on the map.


    The range values are determined using the slider as described above.

    Restore Defaults

    The Restore Defaults button lets you return to the default values in the advanced options.

    The thematic map updates as each advanced option is modified.

    Thematic map using advanced options

To clear the dynamic thematic map, click Clear Theme. To restore the default settings, click Restore Defaults.
