Using the Console Client


ArcGIS 10 is the last release of the stand-alone ArcGIS Image Server product. The image service definition (.ISDef) has been replaced by an improved geodatabase data model—the mosaic dataset—which can be published as an image service using the ArcGIS Server Image extension.

Console Client is a tool that enables command line requests to be made to the server and service provider. These can be scripted to automate requests for imagery. Clients can interactively type commands in the text area (black area) in Console Client. The commands are issued to the server or service provider. To open the Console Client window, click Start > Programs > ArcGIS > Image Server > Console Client 10.

The following outlines how to create a sample script that you can use to open a service and get random extents:

  1. Click the Command Input drop-down list, click Init.Client, then press Enter.

    The Init.Client command appears in the Command Line Window.

  2. Press Enter.

    This command initializes the ArcGIS Image Server Client.

  3. Click the Command Input drop-down arrow, click Open.Server, then press Enter.

    Open.Server --ServerName= appears in the Command Line Window.

  4. Type the name of the required server after --ServerName= and press Enter.

    The Opened Server Successfully message appears in the Result window.

  5. Click the Command Input drop-down arrow, click List.Services, then press Enter.

    The List.Services command appears in the command pane.

  6. Press Enter.

    The list of services provided by the selected server is displayed in the Result window.

  7. Click the Command Input drop-down arrow, click Open.Service, then press Enter.

    The Open.Service command appears in the command pane.

  8. Type in the name of the server, port number of the server, and name of the service in the following format in the command pane:

    Open.Service --Source=ImageService://Servername:Portnumber/Servicename

  9. Press Enter.

    A message stating that the service is opened successfully is displayed in the Result window.

  10. Click the Command Input drop-down arrow, click Set.OutputReport, then press Enter.

    The Set.OutputReport command appears in the command pane.

  11. Type the path where you want to save the Console Client report after -Set.OutputReport --Path=.
  12. Press Enter.

    A message stating that the Console Client report is set to the specified path is displayed in the Result window.

  13. Click the Command Input drop-down arrow, click Gen.RandomAOIs, then press Enter.

    The following command is displayed in the command pane: Gen.RandomAOIs --AOIImage=MinWidth,MaxWidth --AOISize=NCols,NRows --Count=Count --Wait=Wait.

  14. Type the minimum and maximum width of the request, number of rows and columns of request, number of requests in the Count placeholder, and waiting period in the Wait placeholder.
  15. Press Enter.

    A set of random requests within the extents of the image service is generated.

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