CustomProcessUI_ShowModalDialog Function

Applies To: Implementing a custom process

Displays the user interface and lets the user enter the defined parameters. The user interface is also responsible for updating the process XML with the parameters entered by the user.


int ShowModalDialog(string processXML);


[in] processXML

XML string representing the Process XML.

Return Value

Returns an integer with a value of -1 if any error occurs, or 1 for success.

Reporting errors and warnings: A false return value can be regarded as an error which can be obtained by calling the GetStatus function which will give out the error message for the last error in the DLL.


The following example represents a C# implementation of this function:


public int ShowModalDialog(string processXML)



    return 1;


For a detailed example on how to implement this function, please see Sample custom process.

Related Topics

See also: CustomProcess_Create, CustomProcess_SetWindow, CustomProcess_Initialize, CustomProcess_GetRow, CustomProcess_GetMetadata, CustomProcess_GetLastError, CustomProcess_Cleanup, CustomProcess_SetCallbackFunctions, CustomProcess_SetAreaOfInterest, CustomProcessUI_Init, CustomProcessUI_GetUpdatedXML, CustomProcessUI_GetStatus, CustomProcessUI_GetProperty, CustomProcessUI_SetProperty, CustomProcessUIForm_GetUpdatedXML, CustomProcessUIForm_Init