Custom GeoTransformer VC++ Sample

The GeoTransModule demonstrates an implementation of a custom GeoTransformer module. This is located at <ArcGIS Image Server installation folder>\Developer Kit\GeoTransformers\Samples\Custom GeoTransformer VC++ Sample.

The GeoTransModule project explains how to write a module that provides a custom GeoTransformer. It can be considered a starting point for writing your own module that supports custom GeoTransformers. It demonstrates the basics of creating a C++ class that implements a custom GeoTransformer and exports the required functionality. The ReadMe.txt file contains a summary of what you will find in each of the files that make up GeoTransModule DLL. This project was compiled and tested successfully using Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0.

Note: We recommend you to make a copy of the project before making any changes.


For code reviewing, you may find it easier to browse the project's sources within an automatically generated documentation, also available under the Docs\0.Generated subfolder. After making modification to the source code, if you wish to update this documentation generated by dOxygen (available under the terms of the GNU General Public License), simply execute genDocs.bat from the Docs subfolder.

More more information, see Implementing a custom GeoTransformer.