Testing the performance of an image service using ISCommands

Testing the performance of an image service can be automated using the ISCommand.exe; a command-line tool installed with the ArcGIS Image Server Developer Kit. The ISCommand.exe is available in the <Home>ArcGIS\ImageServer10.0\bin folder. For more information on how to execute the commands and for input specifications, refer Input specifications section of the Automation of the Service Editor using ISCommands topic.

Before running ISCommands in the Command window, you will need to update the system PATH variable to include the <Image Server\Bin> folder where ISCommand.exe is installed. The path needs to be set every time a new session of Command window is initiated. Type the following command in the command prompt to set the path:

SET PATH=<ImageServerBinFolder>;%PATH%

where <ImageServerBinFolder> is the path to ArcGIS Image Server Bin folder. By default, this is C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\ImageServer10.0\Bin.

An example for the SET PATH command when ArcGIS Image Server is installed in C:\Program Files is given below:

SET PATH=C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\ImageServer10.0\Bin;%PATH%

Alternatively, you can run ISCommands without updating the PATH, by directly executing it from the Bin folder. However, you will have to set the working directory in the command window to <ImageServerBinFolder>. By default, this is C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\ImageServer10.0\Bin.

Note: The SET PATH command is valid only for that current session of the Command window. If ISCommands are executed without setting the path or setting the working directory to Bin folder, it wont work.

The TestPerformace ISCommand is used for load and performance testing of image services. You can use this command to generate performance-related or load-related results in numbers for an image service. You can also use the ExtractLogs ISCommand on the resulting log files to extract detailed, connection-wise statistics. The TestPerformance ISCommand script is installed with the developer kit in  <Home>ArcGIS\ImageServer10.0\Developer Kit\Automation folder.

The command line is:

ISCommand TestPerformance --ImageService=<FullyQualifiedServiceName> --Connections=<value> --Duration=<seconds> --AoiFile=<AoiFilePath>






Path and name of the fully qualified image service.

Examples include:


User specified



Number of simultaneous connections to the image service. All connections survive as long as the command runs (controlled by the Duration variable).

User specified



Specify a value in seconds to control how long the command runs. 

User specified



Optionally, specify the path to a file containing coordinates of regions within the image service. Each connection makes a request to the image service for the area in the order listed in the file. Once the end of file is hit, the connection simply starts over from top.


The AoiFile should be a text(.txt) file with values delimited by commas. Each region must be defined on a line of its own, for example, <Minx>,<Miny>,MaxX>,<MaxY>,<NRows>,<NCols>

User specified



ISCommand TestPerformance --ImageService=ISDef://d:\test\LandsatWorld.ISDef\ImageService.ISDef --Connections=10 --Duration=60 --AoiFile=D:\test2\LandsatAOI.txt