Getting Assistance with a Geoportal Implementation

Getting Assistance with a Geoportal Extension Implementation

There is a variety of ways in which you can get assistance with your Geoportal Implementation.

  1. Look in this webhelp in the Common problems and Solutions section.
  2. Visit the Geoportal extension Resource Center, the central access point for customizations, samples, code gallery, help, the user forum, and support resources.
  3. Visit the Geoportal extension ESRI product page, which includes the product overview and information about how to obtain the Geoportal extension, training and support.
  4. Purchase the Geoportal extension 20-Hour Remote Developer Support Package, which provides access to developers on the ESRI SDI Solutions team for twenty hours via phone, webcast, and email. It is particularly recommended for customizations not described in the webhelp documentation or are outside the bounds of standard ESRI support.
  5. Register for the Geoportal extension Instructor-led Training Course, available on the ESRI Training Website. Classes are held in Redlands and ESRI regional offices several times a year. The ESRI SDI Solutions team also conducts onsite training at customer facilities. Onsite training is especially recommended if your organization has many people who want to take a geoportal course but cannot travel to ESRI training facilities, or if your organization would like to pair a training class with an onsite implementation of the Geoportal extension. If you are interested in Onsite training, please contact the SDI Solutions Team at
  6. Contact ESRI Professional Services For other assistance that falls outside the scope of general technical support such as new functionality customization, or assistance with running the Geoportal extension in a non-supported environment, please contact us at to discuss how ESRI Professional Services may assist you.
